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Biting off More Than you can Chew - A Catherine Story

Oct 03, 2020

Based on an idea by Catherine EleanorPowers


“I am in control of my body,” Catherine chanted carefully. It didn’t help, not even a little.


Her body was blasted with sound from the club’s speakers, keeping her in the here and now. The here and now was not a good place for Catherine, she was in one of the fanciest clubs in town, a club that opened its gates only to women. The dancing floor behind her was crowded with women who danced with one another as the night lingered. When Catherine first came in with her friends, she thought those dancing girls were naked, a closer inspection told her she was wrong, they were dressed with pieces of fabric that could put a bikini to shame.


‘I shouldn’t have come here,’ Catherine thought to herself, ‘It was a bad call not letting one out back home…’ Her body, wrapped in a tight black dress, agreed. She could feel her balls pulsating angrily, telling her they needed some care, and they needed it soon.


Catherine inhaled deeply in a futile attempt to calm down. A primal part of her wanted to enjoy the opportunities this place offered, but she didn’t want to indulge that part because she knew it meant she’ll have to relinquish her own control.


“Great place, right?” came a voice from her left. Catherine looked at her friend, Sam, a slim brunette woman befitting the club’s theme of gorgeous women.


“I’m not feeling well…” Catherine half moaned as she felt her balls humming angrily.


“We are so getting lucky tonight,” Catherine’s other friend, Anna, took her right side and patted her on the back. Anna’s touch didn’t help Catherine, the red-haired bombshell only worsened her unrest.


“Cathy’s not feeling well tonight,” Sam explained.


Anna examined Catherine. She didn’t strike her as sick, but something definitely seemed off about her. “You should go wash your face Cathy, I’m sure a little splash of water will do you wonders…”


“She’s right, Cathy,” the brunette agreed, “the bathroom here is just around the corner.”


Catherine sighed heavily. This was probably the best idea the girls had all night. The blonde futa got off her chair and started making her way to the bathroom. Between her legs, she could feel her hefty balls shifting around to accommodate for her steps. Lucky for Catherine, the bathroom was mostly empty when she got there. The reflection in the mirrors showed her a blonde woman dressed in a tight, black dress that seemed almost transparent at first. The outline of her breasts, cock and balls were all clearly bulging the dress and threatening to rip it apart if pushed any farther. She made her way over to the sinks and splashed water on her face. The water helped, Catherine felt a little calmer as she looked into the blue eyes of her reflection.


“I am not a sex machine,” Catherine chanted, “I am in control of my body…”


“It sure doesn’t sound that way, I’d say you’re lying,” came a voice from behind her and Catherine noticed the lock on one of the stalls behind her turn green. The thought of not being alone made a shiver run down her spine as she looked in the mirror to see who would come out of the stall.


She seemed young, no older than 20. A slim girl partially covered in a V-neck dress that exposed more than it covered. Something about her was special, she wasn’t a bombshell like the girls outside, her breasts were rather small and her ass was nothing worth mentioning, but Catherine’s sex hungry balls gurgled at the sight. Her hair was a veil of black with strands of blue that framed her face nicely and ended a little above her shoulders.


“I’m not lying…” Catherine whispered, not showing much faith to back her words. She couldn’t find the strength to rip her eyes from the reflection, turn around and face the girl.


“You shouldn’t feel ashamed about your body, you have a gift, why not put it to use?” With each word, the girl came a step closer to Catherine.


‘This is a gift?’ Catherine thought to herself, ‘how are insatiable desire and a huge package a gift?’ her mind drifted into thoughts as she felt her balls pulsating again.


“You shouldn’t fight it,” she heard the girl’s voice, it felt like she was whispering in her ear now, “let me enjoy you…” Catherine felt the girl’s hand press against her sack, she felt around for her huge orbs. “My, my, you are a huge girl, and so full I can hardly feel your balls in all that hot cum…”


Catherine was paralyzed, her mind screamed for her to run, avoid this opportunity. She felt the fabric strain against her skin as her endowments grew. It was pointless, her body no longer listened to her.


As the girl removed her hand from Catherine’s balls the futa turned around to face her. It was as if her body moved of its own accord, Catherine was no longer the pilot. Her dress struggled from the moment she squeezed into it, but her growing need made things a lot more complex. But now, now it was too late, Catherine’s package was more than the poor dress could handle.


With a loud tearing sound, Catherine’s dress ripped at the seams, her erect cock bursting out and wobbling angrily. Both Catherine and the girl gasped at the sight as the impossibly huge appendage started growing bigger still.


“Jackpot,” the girl whispered as she fell to her knees before the behemoth.


“Why won’t you listen?” Catherine sighed, looking at the girl as her figure was obscured by the giant cock, “What did you do to me?”


“It wasn’t me who did this to you,” the girl whispered back as she sent a hand to Catherine’s sack, now the size of a hefty melon. She gave the massive orbs a gentle squeeze, and was pleasantly surprised it started a chain reaction that ended in Catherine dripping copious amounts of precum. “You did this babe, you starved your needs, this is just your body claiming what you owe it.”


With a decisive demeanor, the girl grabbed the tip with both hands and slurped a bit of precum into her mouth, “You taste wonderful, I can’t wait to see what you can do.” With those words, the girl opened her mouth as wide as she could and took Catherine’s tip into her mouth. If Catherine didn’t find it a little sexy, she would have thought it comical. The cock was almost twice as thick as the girl’s mouth. The massive rod was a contrast to the girl’s delicate mouth, such polar opposites that Catherine couldn’t help but gasp and moan, closing her eyes and tilting her head back. Instinctively, her hand moved to the back of the girl’s head and she rubbed the nape of her neck lightly.


Deep within Catherine’s psyche, something shifted, as if a huge weight was held up by a string when the string suddenly ripped apart and the stress relieved. If the girl could see Catherine’s eyes when she reopened them, she would have run out of the room screaming bloody murder, but she was too busy trying to handle the first couple of inches past the head. Catherine’s eyes were ablaze, a fire that would burn brighter than the sun itself.


The hand on the nap of the girl’s neck suddenly moved decisively, pulling the girl towards Catherine’s crotch. The power and surprise forced half of Catherine’s cock into her poor girl’s mouth, jamming the tip against the back of her throat.


“You little slut, you feel so nice,” Catherine hissed, “but you need to take more of me!”


Her free hand joined the party and pulled the girl’s head down the huge shaft. With 10 inches still outside, something in the girl had to give. It all happened in a fraction of a second, the girl swallowed and her gullet opened. Catherine’s cock charged inside, closing her windpipe shut. Her esophagus widened as the thick beast almost reached her belly. The sudden motion ended when the girl felt her chin, pressing against Catherine’s ball sack, her jaw ached from being forcefully opened and her body slumped from the sudden trauma. Worst of all, she couldn’t breathe with the massive cock lodged in her throat.


“Good slut, I think you deserve a huge load, I’m going to fill you up nicely!” Catherine called as she pressed the head against her groin.


“What’s taking so long, Cathy?” Sam came through the door, freezing when she saw Catherine and the girl. The girl’s upper body was covered with streams of tears, drool and precum. She seemed pale and defeated.

“Come in here, Anna, quickly!” Sam screamed, fear evident in her voice, and stormed Catherine.

She tried to separate the girl from the futa, but it was no use, Catherine was just too strong in her sexual frenzy. Anna joined in and tried to help her friend, the two of them were no match for Catherine.


“Let me go, she asked for it, I want to blow her up with cum!” Catherine screamed. Her body tensing up as she rushed towards the edge. Her friends’ struggle to stop her only hastened things and soon Catherine moaned, “I’m cumming!”


The load in her balls was heavy, thick with viral sperm. The journey from her pumping balls, along 20 inches of shaft and out into the girl lasted forever. The girls were powerless to stop it now, Catherine was cumming, past the point of no return.


“Please, Catherine, you have to control this, if you blow your load in her she can die!” Sam screamed with sheer panic.


The room filled with the sound of goo blasting deep inside the girl. One blast, then another, Catherine unloaded down the girl’s gullet and directly into her stomach. Each blast seemed to have lasted forever, and they didn’t want to end. Catherine moaned and hissed as pleasure coursed through her and electrified every fiber of her being.


The girl slumped, her belly growing rapidly bigger and bigger in a hopeless attempt to contain the load Catherine was still unpacking. The girl’s clothes were ruined, struggling to contain her growing midsection as Catherine kept up the act.


Soon, the girl looked full-term pregnant, it was all Catherine’s cum, endless gallons of it. But the girl didn’t move, she was on the verge of suffocating, her vision fading.

“Catherine, please,” Anna whispered, “Don’t let her die…”


Now, with less pressure in her balls, Catherine could somehow form more coherent thoughts. She realized the gravity of the situation and knew she was about halfway through her load and the girl was just barely holding on. With a huge effort, she pulled an ace from her sleeve. In one fluid motion, she pulled her cock out of the tortured girl, still deep within an orgasmic eruption.


The rod flopped around and painted the ceiling white with thick cum that rained down on them. Meanwhile, the three friends noticed the girl gasped for air, telling them she was still alive after taking some of Catherine’s load.


But Catherine wasn’t done. Her cock blasted the girl, and the stall she came out of, painting everything pearly white with her cum. It came with so much force that some of it sprayed back at them and sprinkled Catherine and her friends with droplets of white. It took another five minutes for Catherine to calm down and catch her breath. The room was ruined and everyone in it was shocked by what they just saw Catherine do.


Both Sam and Anna walked over to the cum-filled girl, helping her stand and supporting her stuffed belly. As they helped her up, both girls got smears of cum on themselves.


“She’s a futanari, it’ll be cool… Bullshit...” Sam snarled under her breath.


“But she seemed so hot…” Anna defended herself, “I messed up big times…”


“You did…” Sam agreed, “How are we going to clean all this up?”


Anna shrugged her shoulders, “At least we know what Cathy can do once you get her mojo going…”


The End

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