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ISP issues ongoing

May 05, 2022

As we join the exodus from Flickr with our compatriots of the SL Porn Photography Community, it's kind of ironic, that now, Samantha and I are in the middle of an exodus of our own.

Our cable provider nailed people with a $15 rise in monthly fees, and in almost the same breath, our connection performance plummeted to near dial-up speeds, when it worked at all.

So we're bailing on our cable internet provider, and it seems we're not the only ones... We're switching to Fiberoptic, and apparently, so is everyone else.   There's quite a wait time on the installation, so our access to the web is sorely limited at the moment.

The current plan of attack, is to tough out the wait for our installation, work on some parts of our projects that can be accomplished off-line, and then, when we get hooked back in with decent connections, we'll be roaring back in with intentions of propelling two X-rated movie series projects we've had simmering on the back burner for a long time.

Hopefully, we'll be able to kick those off with a bang!

Our non-pornographic series we've been working at, is still on the table, but has serious production snags we have to work through, as far as animations go. 

A dramatic non-porn series that's watchable, is a lot tougher to pull off in Second Life, since your animations have to be more 'casual real life related'... such as walking... knocking on doors... walking to desks and sitting down... eating... drinking... writing... writing on a notepad while standing and listening to someone... all the little movements we take for granted in real life.  That's where our snag is... and we have to take our time to work through that kind of choreography to make "Phoenix" work.

So while we turn back to our porn projects, we'll be using them to incrementally 'add' to our bank of animations, and such.   So you could say our porn projects will be stepping stones to doing better non-porn projects. :)

So... what about these porn projects?

One project, is a pet project of mine, titled "Seduction is My Business---The Sondra Shane Chronicles", which is about an eclectic stripper and escort named Sondra Shane.   She is a woman hired by people with money, to use her skills to accomplish all sorts of things.   I, of course, play Sondra Shane.

Maybe an industrialist wants information about a competitor?   Maybe a member of the mafia wants information about a rival?   Maybe a private investigator wants to have Sondra try to entice the object of an investigation to pick her up for some fun, to learn about that person's fidelity or general habits?  Perhaps a politician needs to be brought down a peg?

Whatever the mission... and whoever the client is that hires her... Seduction IS Sondra Shane's Business!

The good news for the community is... each episode of this series... we'll be needing actors and actresses from within the community to make things happen.   We may even, once we run out of my already prepared story ideas, start taking suggestions for missions for Sondra to go on... (and giving 'writing' credits to the one that came up with the story-line concept for a particular mission, right in the opening and closing credits of the video episode)

The other porn project on the horizon... is one I've really wanted to do...

"Swinging for Par" is a not-so-serious dramedy, about the saucy goings-on at the posh Magnolia Meadows Country Club... a high-end golf course and country club, located in Georgia.   Most episodes will be filled out by an ensemble cast of characters... BUT, there will be a TON of guest starring roles.

Each 'season' will consist of a number of episodes, tied together by a progressive plot-line.  

Our opening season's main plot-line, follows the travails of aspiring professional golfer, Heather Tyler.  (Played by me).  Heather's been hired to serve as a resident pro at the club, and is in the qualification pipeline to join the WPGA tour.   She has a booming drive, and is very solid on the greens.  Her problem is, her irons game SUCKS.

We'll meet her on her 'first day' at the club, where she meets our wild and sexy cast of characters around Magnolia Meadows, and finds out that she's hired into the middle of a power conflict between Alan... the executive director asshole that uses his position and bully tactics to do what he wants with women, all while working toward gaining full power of the club...    AND... Anna... a young looking middle-aged widow, whose late husband actually founded the club, and sculpted its culture to be high-end and classy on the outside, but oh so saucy on the inside... a swingers paradise.

Heather's position, will be managing the pro shop and actual golf operations.   She'll meet Connie Deveraux, played by Samantha Craving, the club's concessions manager, and Donna, the HR director who isn't above letting an insurance rep bone her in her office to get a better benefits deal for the employees of the club.   Connie gives Heather a tour around the course in her concessions cart, where she can often be found.   During the tour, Connie schools Heather on the saucy, hidden side of the club, and proves to be Heather's own encyclopedia of knowledge about everyone, and everything going on.

But Connie has some secrets, and an ambition she hasn't even shared with Anna, despite how close they are.

Heather will meet Anna, too... and soon find out why she, a mightily struggling golfer, has been recruited to Magnolia Meadows.

If you liked "Caddyshack"... and enjoyed "Dallas"... you'll love Swinging For Par, where being good between the sheets is just as important as being good on the links!

We already have a commitment for a location to shoot the golf course portions of Swinging for Par.   Not all of the naughty scenes will happen indoors.  Some will happen right on the golf course!   So any SL Porn Stars that might like to participate in this project, whether as a visiting guest star, or a more regular cast member... if you have SL golf clubs and some golf attire, you'll definitely be eligible to be cast!

So... that's the basic plan... we'll see how that works out once our ISP issues are settled back down and we have a decent connection.   In the meantime, I'm downloading all my stuff from Flickr incrementally as I get limited time using Samantha's laptop while I'm at work.

Hopefully, as Slushe evolves, we'll get to see 'photo albums' like Flickr has, as a feature here, and when that happens, I'll get my works re-uploaded here, and then close my Flickr down.   Samantha's already way ahead of me on her Flickr.  She only had a few shots up on hers, and downloaded them all before we cut the cable at our places.

Another thing I hope to see here... is an API to shoot pictures from SL, directly to Slushe.   If THAT happens... Slushe soon may grind Flickr into the dust.

That... is a VERY pleasant thought to close out on. ;)

Love and Lust!


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