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News Update.

Nov 23, 2023
I've had an argument with admins over at Pixiv. They want me to censor my NSFW art, so I in turn told them to go forth and multiply and I'm moving all my work fully to here and closing out my Pixiv account before the year is over. I've been porting some items made by the wonderful Vitezislav, I'll release these when ready.

My friend who will only be known as F (NO, I will not tell you who this person is, so don't ask.) who has been approving my Blender art projects since I started using Blender, has moved onto other things. I'm sad to see this person go. On the plus side, Akikosdream and AnubisSFM have convinced me to start streaming with them so on Friday and Saturday, occasionally Sunday, nights at roughly 9 pm UK time is the start time.

In real life, I'm now living in a care home since my diagnoses of Motor Neuron Disease, and yes I'm confined to a wheelchair now. People want me to have a power chair, but I don't want one yet. I've also gone to the dentist and had an incredible 13 teeth out.

Please enjoy and like.
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