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Renderer Wrent

Aug 22, 2022
Well, it had to happen at some point. My computer experienced a catastrophic failure last week, and the parts I need to replace it ain't cheap. As my budget for such things isn't the same as it was when I started out, I'm starting up a Patreon, where you can all support my work...assuming you want to see more of it!

Don't worry, I intend to keep sharing full comics on here, but Patreon will provide a place for me to add perks like full textless comics, extra monthly renders determined by Patreon polls, and even commissions!

If you've enjoyed my work, and can spare a bit to ensure that it continues, please consider hopping over to my Patreon and chipping in. Thanks for all the support and love over the years, and let's keep this journey going!


PS. As a bonus thank you, anyone who joins my Patreon (at whatever tier) by September 30 gets to vote in an exclusive poll for an early access, 10-image mini comic to celebrate my Patreon launch!
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