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the chant of the lady in the tower (Part 1/2)

Jan 12, 2020

The kingdom of Veridian a beautiful settlement of country plains where the villagers live the high mountains with cold peaks in the middle of the whole kingdom is the capital that bears his name in the capital since ancient times Veridian to shared border with the kingdoms of Somnia and Friohold between these kingdoms there were always relations of hurdling and convenience between their fiefs sharing mercenaries between kingdoms it was very common to send young feats of magicians and knights to honor their families defending their kingdom

However, this story focuses on the kingdom of Friohold in its capital Winterfell one morning like any other ...

In the princess's quarters Queen Lumina enters calling her daughter -Arielle are you dressed daughter? we have to go to breakfast - to her surprise, Queen Lumina, when she opened the door, found her daughter open-legged, playing with the lips of her vagina and masturbating while you released shy moans, suddenly the young woman hits a boat getting scared and closing her legs reproached to your mother -m .. mother you are doing here must knock on the door! Lumina, ignoring what her daughter was doing, left the room fixing her wrinkled skirt with her hand, she ordered her daughter - you saw that we have a visit from the King who has come for breakfast and to discuss some issues afterwards Arielle with her white dress with silver details He went down the stairs of the castle greeting the King who answers the greeting and passes his hand around the waist of the young woman while grabbing one of the buttocks of the young woman in disguised laughter the king highlighted how beautiful the queen's daughter was as they walked towards the royal gardens the king commented on the state of Veridian with the queen - Prince Tristam and Duchess Sophia disappeared the last and only thing we know is that something happened with Sophia my son went to the fortress of a vampire and did not return we sent guard battalions but none has returned - one of the soldiers approaches the queen - excuse me my majesty we have news come a moment to talk to the spy soldier Lumina apologizing to the king gets up from the table and marches into the castle

/ the story here is split into two routes /

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