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True Private (A Zoo Story)

Aug 06, 2020

  This is my first time posting a story on here so I'm not sure how well the formatting is going to hold up. If it all works out, and people enjoy it, I may post more. If you really enjoy it, maybe check out my smashwords store?


  There doesn't seem to be a way to tag text only posts as "Zoo" so I'll warn you now. This story features a young woman having sexual relations with a dog. If that's not your thing now would be a good time to stop reading.

True Private

by Alex Kanellis

Molly had never done a whole lot of bondage play in her four years as a fulltime webcam model but between the massive amount of money her client was offering and the copious amounts of Tequila she’d consumed over the course of the night, she was starting to feel like she’d give anything a try. It also helped that Alice, her best friend since the 8th grade and former roommate, was in town and joining in on the show.

  Alice was the one to convince Molly to get into the webcam business in the first place. The two had performed their first show together the day after Molly’s 18th birthday and, after seeing how much money they made in just a few short hours, Molly had created her own account the very next day. Though they had both originally planned to quit after saving up to make a down payment on a house they both kept going long after that.

  Once they had the house, then it became saving up for a car, followed by making payments on the house and the car. Staying at home and getting paid to masturbate for a few hours a day just always seemed like a much better way to pay the bills than going out and finding a “real job”. Sometimes she didn’t even have to get naked, she could just do her daily yoga routine or dance on her in-home stripper pole while wearing a sexy bikini or lingerie and people would tip her just the same.

  Alice had “retired” around two years ago, leaving their home in Los Alamos, New Mexico for some sort of high paying office job in Colorado. She still put on the occasional show, though, and every time she was in town Alice was always down to perform with Molly.

  While both Molly and Alice had always made out pretty well with their solo shows they always did exceptionally better when they teamed up and tonight was no different. They’d met their “strip goal” of 5,000 tokens in under two hours and had spent the rest of the night casually making out and feeling each other up while the people watching continued to tip.

  They had made the “mistake” of agreeing to take a shot of tequila every time somebody tipped them 200 tokens (which translated to 20 dollars in real money) and now they were nearing the end of the bottle. They had made a good amount of cash on the drinks alone and had brought each other to orgasm several times throughout the night. Molly was on the verge of suggesting they call it a night when PussyLUVR69, one of her regular high roller visitors, appeared in the chat room and offered them 3,000 tokens for a “True Private” show.

  Most of Molly’s cam show money came from the public chat sessions. She would take off more and more clothing as the room tipped her more and more money. Molly preferred the public sessions mostly because there was a certain thrill to knowing that just about anyone with an internet connection could be watching her undress and play with herself at any given time. But the private sessions had a tendency to earn her more money in half an hour than she could make all night in public so she almost always accepted the offers.

  While his name had been a bit of a turn off at first, PussyLUVR69 turned out to be a pretty decent guy compared to some of the other high rollers. He was always very complimentary and appreciative but didn’t have any delusions that Molly was going to fall in love with him. He also had a lot of money and so Molly tended to give him whatever he wanted. Tonight he wanted the two to engage in some “light bondage”.

  A few months ago Molly had received a “sex bench” in the mail. It was a device that when used properly forced a person into the perfect doggy style sex position. The bench had come as a gift that one of her regulars had purchased off of one of the various store wish lists Molly had posted on her profile page. It came anonymously but Molly had always suspected PussyLUVR had been the sender.

  She’d used the bench several times since getting it, usually in conjunction with her fuck machine and the moderately sized dildo she attached to it. The bench came complete with leather straps to hold her arms and legs in place but always being alone, she normally didn’t have anyone to apply them. Tonight, however, she was strapped into it properly with a bright red ball gag in her mouth and Alice was railing into her ass with a much larger than usual dildo attached to a strap-on.

  At six feet tall with a muscular but lean body, Molly was used to being the aggressor in these situations, but PussyLUVR had specifically requested that she be the one secured to the bench and so Molly obliged. He’d also suggested the black lace corset and black fishnet stockings she was wearing along with her long red hair tied up into two pigtails. Alice was in thigh-high boots, gloves that went to her biceps and a mini-dress hiked up above her round but incredibly firm ass, her entire outfit was made of shiny black pleather. To top it all off, Alice had mounted a Hitachi massage wand under the bench and placed the head of it against Molly’s clit.

  The large strap-on had been Molly’s idea, the anal penetration and the wand had been Alice’s. It always surprised Molly how good Alice was with a strap-on. She started off the session slow, teasing Molly’s asshole with the tip of the well-lubed cock before slipping it in a couple inches and pulling it back out. Alice continued sliding the dildo in and pulling it fully out but went a little deeper each time until she had the full 9 inches inside Molly.

  Molly had been faking moans at the start but once she felt herself filled to the hilt with that rubber cock she didn’t have to pretend anymore. This was when Alice picked up the pace, no longer letting the fake cock slip out before she drove it back in. Molly had reached her first orgasm in minutes but Alice didn’t let up and soon Molly was shaking and squirting as she screamed out a variety of obscenities that were incomprehensible through the ball gag.

  Eventually, Alice was fucking Molly with a force that felt disproportionate to the young woman’s slender frame. Molly soon felt like she’d lost complete control of all of her senses and she wasn’t even trying to make words through the gag anymore. There was a sharp slapping sound every time Alice slammed the cock in and her thighs smacked into Molly’s ass.

  Finally, Alice shoved the dildo all the way in and left it there before laying herself down on top of Molly. They were both breathing heavily and glistening with sweat. It took Molly a moment to realize that Alice was shaking. She’d fucked Molly so hard that she was having her own orgasm.

  It took another three minutes before Alice could pick herself up and slide the dildo out of Molly’s now incredibly loose anus. Molly could feel how stretched out it was as a long stream of lube trickled out and ran down her legs.

  “Okay, I need a little break,” Alice panted, clearly still out of breath. “I’m gonna go pee and make us some mojitos.”

  Alice was up and headed for the door before Molly could even respond. She had thought Alice was going to leave her tied to the bench and tried to voice her concerns but her words were muffled by the ball gag still in her mouth. The door to exit the room was behind Molly but she could just barely hear Alice’s footsteps stop above the noise of the still gently vibrating Hitachi wand.

  “Almost forgot,” Alice chuckled before heading back. When she returned though, she didn’t unstrap Molly’s bonds. Instead, she bent down and turned the wand up to full power.

  Molly had never had the wand up this high and the sudden burst of stimulation drove her to a near-instant orgasm relapse. She was so lost in her own pleasure that she didn’t even hear Alice leave.

  The Hitachi wand buzzed loudly against Molly’s squirting and shaking pussy but her moans of ecstasy were even louder. The rapid vibrations against her clit were so intense that Molly hadn’t even noticed right away when a new sensation got entered into the mix. It felt like someone was rubbing her vagina with a warm, wet piece of gentle sandpaper. It didn’t take her very long to realize that what she was actually feeling was a dog’s tongue licking away at the juices that were flowing out of her pussy.

“  How could this be happening?” she thought, but it quickly dawned on her that Alice must have forgotten to close the door when she left and Champ, her two year old chocolate lab, must have wandered in to investigate the noises.

  Molly’s drunken and orgasmic brain was having a difficult time comprehending exactly what was happening to her but what surprised her most was how amazing Champ’s tongue felt. It was just about the perfect texture for the job it was undertaking and the relentless pace at which it slid into her quivering and sopping wet hole only served to increase the pleasure created by the massage wand. Then Molly remembered that she was in the middle of a webcam show.

  She cranked her head to the left to get a good look at the laptop screen and could see that PussyLUVR69 was typing a whole lot into the chat section but it was too far away for her to make any of it out. Molly’s only hope at that point was that he was really enjoying the show and willing to keep putting down money so that the show stayed private. If he stopped paying for more time the show was set to automatically revert back to the public room and the whole world would end up seeing her strapped to a sex bench, with a ball gag in her mouth, getting her pussy eaten out by a chocolate lab!

  The fear of this was enough to quell Molly’s orgasm but the juices were still flowing and Champ was still lapping them up just as fast as he could. She tried to scream out, knowing it was useless but hoping that, somehow, Alice would hear her through the gag and come to her rescue. She didn’t.

  To make matters worse, Molly could once again feel an orgasm beginning to build. She tried to stop it, figuring that if she started squirting again that Chance would never let up. Just when she thought she was going to explode again, Chance bumped into the mount that held up the Hitachi and knocked it onto its side.

Molly let out a sigh of relief as best she could through the ball in her mouth. Not only was she now free of the constant buzzing on her clit but the Wand humming loudly on the tile floor had distracted Champ for a moment. Now Molly found herself hopeful that Alice would be able to hear the Hitachi on the floor and would come to investigate.

  Her relief didn’t last long though as Champ went right back to his work. Now that Molly’s pussy had stopped dripping cum, the dog was darting his tongue in even deeper, occasionally working up and dragging it across her clit before penetrating her. She couldn’t fight it anymore and began moaning.

  It felt amazing! Champ’s tongue movements were so random. Sometimes he would completely envelop her clitoris, other times it would dart all the way into her and reach surprising depths, and sometimes it would do both in one quick, fluid motion. When the dog finally discovered her anus though, she completely lost it.

  Champ’s wide, warm and rough tongue shot in and out of Molly’s freshly stretched and abused asshole at an amazing rate of speed, once again sending her into a quivering mess as yet another orgasm crashed over her. Even without words, if PussLUVR69 was still watching, Molly’s moans combined with the shaking body and eyes rolling into the back of her head would tell him that she was enjoying the hell out of this.

  Molly had lost all hope of being rescued by Alice and had suddenly realized that she didn’t want to be rescued. It was probably all of the Tequila shots warping her thought process but Molly didn’t even really care anymore if the show did switch over to public. She was in heaven and wasn’t ready to come back down to Earth anytime soon.

  Champ’s tongue continued to bounce around, hitting all the right spots with every lick until the dog finally relented and Molly’s orgasm began to fade. She could barely hear anything over the sound of the buzzing massage wand on the floor and couldn’t turn far enough around to tell if Champ was still there or had finally left the room. What’s more, Molly wasn’t sure which one she wanted to be true.

  On one hand, she was starting to come back to her senses now that the orgasm had dissipated, Molly was again starting to worry about the fact that she was on cam. Even if PussyLUVR69 kept paying for more time in the private session there was no guarantee he’d keep quiet about what he saw here. Or worse, he could be recording it. On the other hand, Molly somehow still wanted another orgasm.

  She didn’t get long to decide which outcome she wanted more before she felt two large paws wrap themselves firmly around her waist. Seconds later and she could feel Champ’s hips bumping into the back of her legs. He was dry humping away at her!

  It took a while for everything to sink into Molly’s brain. At first, she thought the worst-case scenario was that Champ would dry hump her for a little bit and maybe shoot a load on her thigh or ass before getting bored and wandering off. Then the dog shifted his hips slightly and she felt something wet and warm slide into her pussy.

  Champ’s thrusting increased tenfold as he began to slam his cock into Molly with alarming speed. It was perhaps the most instense thing Molly had ever experienced but it stopped almost as abruptly as it had started though as the cock slid out and the dog hopped back down. Champ went back to licking at Molly’s hole with more force than ever, driving his tongue down deep.

  Molly could hardly enjoy it, though. She was still trying to get around the fact that, though it was brief, she had just had a dog’s cock inside her pussy. Even more to the point, she had liked it enough that even though he was doing amazing things with his tongue, she was kind of hoping Champ would give it another try. She didn’t have to hope very long because, as if he could read her mind, Champ hopped up on Molly’s back again and wrapped his front paws around her waist.

  There was no dry humping this time either; Champ’s cock was in Molly’s pussy and slamming away on the first try. He seemed to have sorted out all of his issues too because this time there was no sign of slipping out. His paws were wrapped around her tight as he drove his dick into Molly with a combination of speed and power that she’d never felt before. It was easily five times faster than the highest setting on her trusty fuck machine.

  The more Champ fucked Molly the bigger she could feel his cock getting. It was literally growing inside of her and she couldn’t contain how amazing it felt. She was once again moaning loudly into the ball gag, the wet, sloppy sounds of the dog’s cock rapidly fucking her aching hole only made things feel that much more amazing.

  Even after his dick stopped growing in length, Champ continued to pump away inside of her and now she felt the base of it beginning to swell wider and wider. This new girth was constantly yanked out of her pussy and slammed back in. Molly had never felt anything like it and the pleasure crashing over her body again and again just kept getting more intense with every thrust.

  Finally, the lump at the base of Champ’s cock got so big it wouldn’t come back out but he just kept thrusting forward, trying to drive his cock in as deep as he possibly could. He gave a handful of hard shoves that actually slid Molly and the whole bench she was strapped to forward a bit before he lifted his left leg up and over her back until he was left standing behind her, ass to ass with his cock trapped deep inside of her.

  The dog tried to move forward and pull himself free and sent a sudden jolt of pain through Molly. It was nothing compared to the pure ecstasy she was feeling though as the dog unloaded a gigantic river of semen into her. It just kept flowing, too. She could feel his cock throbbing inside her tight vagina and with every pulse, another massive wave of doggie jizz flooded into her.

  Eventually, the cum was squirting out of her around the edges of Champ’s thick lump and she could feel it running down her body in all directions. Her orgasm intensified with every pulse of Champ’s cock and it took nearly five minutes before she even began to calm back down. As the waves of pleasure subsided, Molly remembered the laptop and the webcam and PussyLUVR69 who had been watching the entire time.

  She looked over and saw that the chat was no longer moving. Had PussyLUVR left the room or had he just been jacking off? Maybe he had just realized that she couldn’t respond and stopped trying to communicate. Or maybe he’d never seen a young woman get fucked by a dog while strapped to a sex bench and was at a total loss for words.

  Whatever the reason for PussyLUVR’s silence, it appeared he was still in the room and it hadn’t switched back to a public session, so that was a relief. Her fear now was that he’d realize the show was over and leave, or maybe he already had and the stream would switch over at any moment.

  What a sight that would be for the people who had stuck around all this time in the public chat. To go from a friendly “The model is currently in a true private show” message to a wide shot of Molly strapped down with a ball gag in her mouth and a dog’s cock locked up and unloading in her pussy.

  There was literally nothing Molly could do about it though and she was suddenly starting to realize just how exhausted she was. She’d just received some of the longest, most intense orgasms of her life from Champ and couldn’t even remember how many times Alice had gotten her off before that. She wanted nothing more than to rest her head and fall asleep but the sex bench wasn’t exactly designed for comfort.

  Even if the bench were made for sleeping, Molly was still enjoying the sensation of having surge after surge of doggie jizz pumped into her. The more she focused on Champ’s cock pulsating away inside of her, the hornier she started to get. Molly wasn’t sure if she could handle another orgasm but she also wasn’t sure she had a choice. The feeling of unadulterated euphoria was beginning to build up inside again and there was no stopping it.

  As the pleasure mounted, a loud dinging bell chimed from the laptop. She glanced over at it and anything good she was feeling was gone in an instant, immediately replaced by total fear and panic.

A giant message filled the screen reading:

“PussyLUVR69 has left the True Private Session

Returning to Public Lobby in…


  Molly’s eyes were wide with terror as she screamed through the ball gag and struggled to break free of her bonds. Champ didn’t even seem to notice, he was more than content to stay right where he was until he finished his business. Every time Molly made a move to free herself her pussy seemed to clench a little tighter around the dog’s thick cock, causing it to squirt its next wave of jizz into her with just a little more pressure.

  His cum was flowing into her and back out the sides faster than ever as the clock reached 20 seconds. Finally, Molly gave up. She knew there was no getting free and that soon all of her fans and followers would see that she had just had sex with a Labrador. More than likely someone would report her and her account would be closed and banned, effectively ending her webcam career.

  Even if Molly didn’t get banned or found a new site to perform on people would likely still never let her hear the end of it. She’d have assholes in her chat constantly harassing her about being a “dog fucker” or requesting that she do it again. It was also likely that many of the people in the public room would take it upon themselves to take screencaps with Champ stuck inside her, spamming the chat with them. And that was all assuming that PussyLUVR69 hadn’t already filmed the whole act. If he had, he could release the footage at any time. Hell, maybe he already had.

  With ten seconds left of the clock, the cum continued to flow as Molly let herself relax again, ready for the inevitable. She was beginning to think beyond the next few minutes, further into the future. About how she was going to make Alice bring Champ with every time she visited and that he was gonna fuck her as many times as he could before Alice took him back home.

  Hell, she might even get a dog of her own.

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