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0006 Naked Adventure

Sep 28, 2020

Lilith sighs. Obviously not a Red Barron, no.

Why does every adventure devolve into some mindless violence? If I refuse to believe this is happening to me, can it just stop now? The worst part is none of this made one lick of sense. Did we bring this upon ourselves with the replica airplane cover? Or does insane stuff happen to us as some sort of existential curse upon our existence?

And naked too.

Lilith sighs. Not one lick of sense to our lives no.

The attacking fighter arcs over them in a sloppy, clumsy arc that by no stretch of geometry could be called an arc of any sort. More like a controlled flop.

She wonders why she accepts this. Well, there is that magazine they have been working on for Lori and Lian, financed by Lorna, Naked Adventure. And she would do anything for her step-daughter, even prance around for a naturalist adventure magazine around the world.

And she got to be with her step-sisters.

There is always something to being with family.

Lilith went through her mind the people that could be trying to kill them. The Shangchi government angry at Luna and Lian? Various spy agencies and NGOs angry with herself? Some adventure company Laura crossed?

No, Lilith thinks, none of them would be trying to kill us in such an embarrassingly stupid manner.

The fighter heaves, lurches, and whoever flew it fought to make the fighter turn with that shitty small rudder to make the plane turn. It bounces hard, and then starts to turn towards them again. Since they were diving she saw the pilot make a correction and she sighs.

Life was being suave and cool. Being a super spy. Sneaking into places and getting out without being detected. Using her spy gadgets. Wheeling and dealing with various agencies around the world and doing favors for them, all for satellite photographs of our next objective.

I knew we should have flied commercial.

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