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0027 Naked Adventure

Nov 06, 2020

“Ladies!” Lorna says, “looks like the hotel sent a car!” She smiles at Miguel, “Are you with the hotel, sir?”

“Miss, I am afraid you are mistaken,” Miguel smiles as he gestures towards the car, “for I am the President.”

“Oh girls,” Lorna says as she smiles, “the hotel president is here to pick us up! Be a saint Sir and go get our personal effects. We don’t have much, just a duffle each, and more for camera gear in the black bags please be careful with that.”

“Oh, wow nice car,” Lana says, “this from the hotel?”

“I am starting to wonder if you ladies just don’t step all over those around you who you wish to ignore,” Miguel says. “I am El Presidente of San Cristobal. The president. You do understand the weight and importance of my office, do you not?”

“Oh, please forgive me!” Lorna smiles. “Girls! The president of San Cristobal himself came out to greet us and take us to the hotel! What a wonderful country you have!”

Miguel smiles and rubs the bridge of his nose.

Lana notices his discomfort. “Oh, hey, yeah, sorry about that. We’re not ignoring you or anything.”

“Thank you,” Miguel says, “young lady. Laura I am familiar with, as we have worked with each other in the past, but her extended family I am not.”

“That is my mom,” Lana smiles, “or step-mom I should say. Pleased to meet you I guess.”

Miguel shakes his head. “All so beautiful. This is like Aphrodite’s daughters themselves have graced my presence. It is a pleasure to meet you…?”

“Oh hey, I’m Lana,” Lana says as she shakes his hand, “don’t mind us we are naked, you know, Naked Adventure and all. This is how we roll.”

Miguel kisses her hand. “A pleasure to meet someone so sweet as you, Lana.”

“You are totally capturing us, aren’t you?” Lana says with a smirk. “I mean, look at the soldiers, right? This isn’t for a hotel.”

Miguel nods. “Look at this my way, my sweet. One, I know of your skills at acquisition, at least your mother’s. I assume you are all so skilled. Two, you are all so lovely how can I not at least try to place you on pedestals in my presidential palace to admire.”

Lana smirks. “You know you can’t keep a pretty bird caged forever, right? Is this going to be a dark and violent episode, or more sort of playful capture with lots of sexual tension?”

“I have a cease-fire with your mother,” Miguel says, “she has not fired a shot in anger in my country nor killed anyone who works for me. At most fisticuffs, chases, and trying up my men. I ordered my military and police to do the same and respect this agreement. But do not at least expect me to try to possess something which every man alive would desire.”

“Yeah,” Lana says, “that is Mom. She likes to play these things smart. I will talk to the others and let them know of the truce, okay?”

Miguel nods, staring. “Most appreciated.”

Lana purses her lips and stares at him until he raises his eyes to meet hers. “You are already perving on me aren’t you?”

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