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0038 Naked Adventure

Dec 03, 2020

“Your nipple is almost out,” Twilight says. “Come on, let us see them, Sarah won’t know. You have great tits. You are hot too, it will help you cool off. I could lean over and kiss it…”

“I don’t know,” Midnight says, “not in the mood. Thinking about what we have to do.”

Twilight sighs. “What? This the whole fight with Laura thing?”

“Yes, this is the whole fight with Laura thing,” Midnight says. “Sarah took shots at Laura and her family. They are not going to appreciate that. We have raised this to a huge fight.”

“She said,” Twilight says, “come down and stop. Everyone knows there aren’t that many jobs in the Adventure Society, and the waiting lists to get into any ancient site are bad enough as they are. I had like, one run, and everything was picked over and I just felt I was touristing my way through, taking pictures, doing pencil rubbings, and brushing dirt out of corners. The last trap in there was shut down ten years ago.”

“I know!” Midnight says. “Laura pulling in seven others into the Society is going to mean nothing for us. I mean, fighting cults is, you know it is what it is, but a lot of us joined this because of those super high profile runs through places that make or break our name. Sarah has been there. She is a somebody. A lot of us are still trying to make it, even after years like me and now what chance do we have?”

“They haven’t found a new site in years,” Twilight says, “and that sucks. But honestly, isn’t the era of going through and trashing cultural sites over? I mean, who gives us the right of trouncing through an ancient tomb, which is honestly a piece of history and belongs to the people there, as some sort of colonial savior for Queen and country?”

“Yes, but Sarah still has a lot of pull,” Midnight says. “She has been everywhere, done everything. On par with Laura. If she says we need to listen to these wealthy elites, tech company people, and social media tycoons for jobs then we should probably listen. And change.”

“What the hell do people that run big tech and social media need with hired guns like us?” Twilight says. “They want us to intimidate content creators or steal elections?”

“Times are changing,” Midnight says. “Sarah spoke with these rich investors. I know they were abusive to her, but you get that when you are new somewhere. You think they are going to let us run around the world wearing tight and skimpy outfits, or in Laura’s case, not a damn bit of clothing at all, and do what we want? If they are thinking about putting big money in the Society then we probably need to listen to them. The era of the Naked Adventure might be over.”

“You know I am going back to being a delivery driver for Super Stock House dot com if we can’t find work,” Twilight says. “Some of the cultists we fought, yeah, I delivered for back in the day. That is how I knew where their secret lair was, they kept getting box shipments down there.”

“I know,” Midnight says. “I know. I do not even know what we are getting into with these tech people. What types of jobs they have for us? What, reading server logs for cloud services? What the hell do they need boots on the ground for in the first place?”

“Probably something nefarious,” Twilight says, “it is an open secret these rich elites in big tech are trying to take over the world. They probably need people to intimidate witnesses, destroy free media, silence competition, take down nationalist movements, and do all sorts of dirty work around the globe.”

“Laura and her family are standing in the way then,” Midnight says with a deep sigh. “Could Sarah be right about this? Could we all be losing our jobs anyways and this is our only way out?”

“Really? We are going from fighting the bad guys to being them?” Twilight says. “Oh great. Do we sell our souls out for money to whoever has an open checkbook? This will not be the Adventure Society as we know it. We will be black hat mercenaries. No more tits and tombs. No more fighting zombie ninjas in thong tights. No more fighting vampire cults, for us. Everything ends once we say yes. Everything.”

“You are making this difficult,” Midnight says.

“Hey,” Twilight says, “I busted my ass delivering boxes like some sort of slave for these big tech and e-commerce companies for years. You think I want to go back to work for them? I would rather do adult movies than sell my soul again.”

“Sarah is not going to negotiate,” Midnight says. “And Laura may be too pissed at us to listen. We may be too far down this road to go back to how things were.”

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