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00652312 Green Leafy (Kylie)

Aug 18, 2021

I have no idea why one of the Rainbow Ninja episodes is titled Green Leafy. I found a production notebook for this episode with the following notes:

6am: Sent Kylie and the girls for breakfast, told them to be back by two.

6-9am: Got the creature rig suspended by crane, background mattes in place, waiting for Jean Paul and the puppeteers to arrive by ten.

[Now, Jean Paul is a name I have seen before in some of the crew for Galaxie’s production, I wonder if they ended up here as the team that did the monsters? – Vex]

10am: Jean Paul and his team get the legs and arms attached and work out how the scene will go. They break out the second puppet head for the close-up shots and attach it to the puppeteer’s man-sized suit.

11-12am: Lighting work, plus the dirt and grime is applied to the puppet on the rig.

12-2pm: Film finally comes, getting cameras setup and director is talking shots he wants. A lot of work for sixty seconds of film, so we want to shoot maybe three or four positions with Kylie and splice those through the battle scene.

2pm: Cast returns and goes to costume. Kylie wears four different suits today in various stages of damage and dirt. Plus four trips to makeup are planned for all shots.

3-8pm: The four shoots, plus a short break for dinner.

8-12pm: Puppet lowered and limbs removed. Most of crew sent home as Kylie does the last few shots of her being put into egg chamber and breeding. She loves this stuff. She is showered and heads home by 2am, after we all go out for late night burgers. Kylie has day off tomorrow, but more work for the features we are working on continues.

…To those who may concern, reading this later: You know what needs to be done.

…You know. Do not hesitate.

…We are waiting.

And it ends there on that strange and spooky note.


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