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1009 Naked Adventure

Apr 01, 2021

No good shall ever come of me.

For I am war.

Luna watched Lexi sign her as she held the bowstring taut. The bow Lian crafted from cured jungle wood and an old wreck she salvaged the metal bits from. She made the arrows too, and Luna swore if given enough time Lian could build them modern firearms. The other girls had gotten cute with savage outfits, so they indulged them in playing dress up this time.

Luna smiled as Lexi signed, so they were surrounded? All escape points sealed off from the area?

If it were up to her those hunting them would not be getting out.

Laura did not want a huge body count, but Luna told her the mercenaries were fair game. President Romano then chimed in, giving all of them the powers of deputized Presidential Guard, and to capture or expel any foreign mercenaries on San Cristobal soil. The meaning of expel, of course, was up to her.

Laura told Romano he was making things worse.

Romano said this was his adventure too, and technically these were foreign invaders in a country he was elected to protect. Elected, of course, was another word down here the meaning of was very much up to interpretation.

Lexi kept signing, and Sarah wanted the mercenaries to help ‘clean the rest of them up?’ Oh, how sweet of you Sarah, how course the sand in your panties must be today. The urge to put an arrow through the airhead was too great, plus it would likely go in one ear and out the other, hitting nothing between. Plus she promised Laura to extend ‘professional courtesy’ to any other members of the Adventure Society until they knew what was going on.

She smiled as Lexi signed, adding Jim is being a little bitch today.

Did that same courtesy extend to Adventure Jim? She tracked her aim over the burned-out pain in the ass and his hat. How can you give the game up, and then complain when someone else picks up the torch? You should have trained your replacements, Jim, instead of sitting on a handful of accomplishments. Luna sighs, former members get the courtesy too, but if he pisses me off, she will revoke the courtesy permanently.

Mistakes happen.

A familiar haze wandered through her mind; one she felt a million times before. Fighting alongside her battle-sisters. The eternal battle joined. A realm of pure war. One she felt familiar with, but one she could never remember. But this place she knew she was pulled from to be here, with stepsisters and stepdaughters worthy of joining the ever-war.

She would bring them home when the time came.

But now is not the time.

Lexi signed again, the unarmed man with the tablet. A Shangchi operative?

She fought to stop from smiling.

Besides kidnapping Lian, the Shangchi were notorious industrial dictators and brutal human rights abusers. She made them pay for kidnapping Lian, in blood with a regiment of their Reformation Battalion guards dead, a reeducation camp and surrounding city leveled, and Lian freed with the two of them being marked for death by the regime.

Give me another reason to return and I shall lay waste to your entire civilization and its history.

She leveled the arrow at the man.

Lights out.

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