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1032 Naked Adventure

May 16, 2021

“You can like, um, stand up you know Miss Goddess,” Lori says.

“I like the view from down here,” Ixchel smiles. You may come down if you wish though, otherwise, I shall admire you.”

“You are seriously coming on to us?” Lian says.

Ixchel nods. “How do you expect a goddess of love and beauty to act?”

“Oh hey,” Lori says, “we are collecting hot guys for a tribal orgy. Wanna come?”

“Lori, we don’t go around inviting goddesses to our tribal orgies!” Lian says. “Besides I thought that was just a joke.”

“Do you honestly think we can say that it is a joke with an ancient love goddess present?” Lori says. “We do not want to upset her or anything like that. Besides, she is super hot, and I wouldn’t mind her, you know, like joining me for a part of it. Or like, you know, worshipping her hot bod, with like, my tongue.”

“God, you sound like Vex,” Lian says. “Think we should take care of our idiot guests before we hang up the streamers and make the punch?”

“I would be delighted to attend your ceremony of worship!” Ixchel says with a smile. “And the wise one is correct, slaughter the invaders, cut out their hearts, and bathe in their blood.”

“That is like,” Lori says, “a bit extreme and History Network for us. Things are a little different I the modern world these days.”

Ixchel blinks. “Are they? Or does your world pretend to be something it is not in a vain attempt to please those who would exploit you? And ultimately, destroy your way of life, steal your gold, and send you to slaughter? Are you so happy to please others you would march to your deaths just so your master would smile?”

“Yeah,” Lori says, “that is where we are. This is not like the old days where you could do something so brutal you could shock your enemies into, you know, like never wanting to screw with you ever again. These days big companies control what people get upset at and what we know, so they run the world and tell us all what to do and how to act. Even tell us who we should go to war with next. We kind of like invited them into our lives, they run things, and here we are.”

“We invited our smiling, helpful invaders in with open arms too,” Ixchel says, “and look where that got us.”

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