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1038 Naked Adventure

May 23, 2021

“Great news team!” Takkato says as he bounces up. “Our Product Owner and Manager are showing up for an iteration review! I want everyone to spend some time coming up with their solution presentations for our program increment planning session.”

“God damn it,” Jim says. “How long is this going to take?”

“Nice of you to ask!” Takkato smiles. “Two days. The first will be developing our plan, and the second will be presenting the plan to management.”

“We don’t have two days!” Sarah says. “They will be all over us in two days! They are kicking our ass enough and I would be surprised they don’t barge into our planning meeting and kick our ass there while we are fucking with Post-Its.”

“Planning is essential to winning,” Takkato says, “and we foster a collaborative, team-based, positive attitude where we are open with our successes and failures. We recognize where things did not go right, adjust, adapt, and overcome with the master goal of delivering value to the customer.”

Jim smirks. “And the customer is?”

“The Shangchi Communist Party,” Takkato says. “Who have been kind enough to sand a security force to guard our planning meeting while we revise our plan and adapt to this new situation. Our Product Owner is General Zhang, so his security is paramount to the larger organization who will be providing security for our team while we take a moment to come up with a new plan. I bet you two are so excited! Lunch will be provided both days, and we will head out to dinner each night to bond and do team-building activities.”

“Sarah,” Jim says. “A word please. Excuse us Takkato, us team members need to prepare our …presentations.”

“All right!” Takkato says. “Great to see you two fully on-boarding! Our technology solutions provider is flying in and we will have communications shortly.”

“Sure,” Sarah says with a slight pause. “Sure, Jim.”

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