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1046 Naked Adventure

Jun 04, 2021

The three of them get knocked to the ground by the massive blast.

Ixchel stares.

Her world was being invaded again.

“Oh my god they nuked us!” Lori says. “Where the heck did that happen?”

“Not a nuke,” Lian says. “and that is way to the south over the ridge. Our people are not in the area. That is a daisy cutter. Someone just flattened a whole bunch of rainforest to make a base.”

Lori stares at the fireball as it sails miles into the air. “Oh my god did they need to use that big of a bomb?”

“Must have been a high-altitude bomber,” Lian says, “likely a CH-95u Dragon Claw, Tu-95 variant. Only they can drop something that big. Shengchi armed forces are coming. They are setting up shop.”

Ixchel stares, tears coming from her eyes. “Why can not you leave us to peace? Why are your people so full of hate for us and our ways?”

“Oh my god Goddess,” Lori says, “we are so sorry! They only time this happens is when our news networks want a war for ratings, so they find poor countries filled with people of color for our armed forces to bomb. Then they justify it by saying those poor people who want to be left alone somehow threaten our way of life! The news is so racist, anti-poor, and anti-cultural with their war mongering, and they embarrass us!”

“It happens on both sides,” Lian says. “Shengchi needs so many resources at a rapidly increasing rate they will need to conquer the world in the next 10 years just to meet their country’s internal demands. Otherwise, the whole house of cards comes down around their ruling elite. Problem is, it is going to come down anyways so both sides are just trying to distract their people before the truth becomes obvious. The elite, and it is one group, screwed everyone, and it is time for everyone else to pay the bill.”

She sighs. “And our news networks are just as bad.”

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