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1047 Naked Adventure

Jun 05, 2021

“Witness, progress!” Takkato says as he gestures towards the massive mushroom cloud.

“What the fuck did you do?” Jim says.

Sarah stands quiet, her mouth open.

“Jim!” Takkato smiles. “Our planning session takes place in the fields cleared by that bomb. Already engineers from the General’s strike force are en-route to land and build our center of operations. We needed a place to meet and plan, and viola! Instant agile team process team planning!”

Jim stares. “You flattened the fuck out of the southern part of the valley? Couldn’t we just meet around a truck somewhere and come up with a plan?”

Takkato smiles and shakes his head. “Jim! Stop thinking small! How are we supposed to have team building activities if we don’t have fun chain restaurants and entertainment centers to have them in? As we speak, flash restaurants that can be built and setup within 24 hours are already on their way! Shengchi combat engineering will setup these American chain restaurants, stock them with temporary labor, and provide us with an experience for program increment planning you will never forget! I am sure hoping they build that arcade and go-cart center as well, we will have so much fun bonding together!”

“You are out of your fucking mind if you are going to build chain restaurants in the middle of nowhere,” Jim says.

Takkato turns and smiles. “You know how many rare earth minerals are locked up under this valley, Jim? The mine managers who will come in here after us for the massive strip-mining operation are going to need fun American chain restaurants to relax at after a long day of destroying worthless rainforest. How else are we supposed to ease their guilt and conscious? Just like the good old days of colonialism! Feed your workers high-fat foods so they don’t live long, get them addicted to drugs and alcohol, and supply them with hookers from sex trafficking rings run by our industrial managers.”

Jim bites his lip and looks down. “Some goddamn things never change.”

Sarah blinks. “The poor rainforest…”

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