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1st 6 pages of "Curious Nature" now up!

Feb 03, 2020

I'm excited about this, I have a lot of great ideas for this story and others that I want to share. If you are interested, the Patreon button has now been added just under my Slushe profile name (top right next to this image). Now this is my first Patreon of this nature and using Discord integration so there may be some teething problems. If you have any troubles accessing the Discord or the content on MEGA links in the Discord, just send me a message here and I'll make sure it gets fixed for you.

Now that I have Patreon open I am also open for commissions, I haven't posted exact details up just yet but I will be doing so in the Discord this week. If you do not wish to subscribe to the discord but still would like a commission then just reach out to me here and I'll give you the details you need.

Thank you!

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