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Apr 10, 2020

While chatting with FreezDriedScoop (Kisik) about my OCs with black lips, a funny idea came up- What if they were all in a band together? So I just couldn't resist getting Kendra, Hex, Goji, Shin, and Mozzy, my gothy/rocker girls, together for a fun photo shoot for a mock album release advertisement. As always, they got silly, and I caught it on film. ;)


As most of you know, Gojira and Shin are inspired by my love of Godzilla. I've been considering making a third sibling ever since Legendary's Godzilla came around. As you may have guessed, from Mozzy's name, ink, and colors, this time around I used Mothra as my inspiration. 'Mozzy' is her nickname, based on her first name, Mosura. Though she's not a triplet, she is Goji & Shin's younger sister by just under a year.


Although the purple-toned versions of the set are the intended version for the "promo" shots, I accidentally set the lighting to a fiery red highlight for one shot and decided to do the set in that version as well. Those alternative versions are included here. :D

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