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A Day of Commemoration

Mar 17, 2021

This is a mini set i made to commemorate exactly 1 year of creation of my first and my favorite OC Ariah <3, and show how the things are almost all day on Ariah apartment, gonna take the opportunity to do a couple of extra points of my works: 

1 - (200 Followers) Thanks soo much for all which take a time to appreciate my works, being able to meet some good person here and always make me happy all kind of feedback, so thanks again and dont forget to check my favorites works and artists you certanly gonna find some of your taste <3

2 - (Text Test) I use this set to introduce the ideia of how the text of my sets will be for now, of course i can do some changes on the next one to improve.

(Text Colours) Which color on the text will represent the character which is speaking for example.

Ariah - Purple

Lolla - Orange

Someone -  Red

To dont block too much of the character model i put some dots below the text to show the order of the text, of course starting with 1 and going, besides get better to choose the position of the text i could ''implement'' some as a part of scenario, again all the feedback is welcome with this idea, when i will introduce a new character i will tell the text color too, like Vuchika, Claire and other ones.

3 - (Works schedule) i had a couple of works to post next weeks and so here is their order.

 - 3 sets promotional (A better worked pics of the old post)

  - Ariah and Lolla big set (Lolla introduction on Ariah sets)

 - Claire pics - (Couples of Claire pics of the apocalipse main storie)

 - Enjoy a beast day Pt2 - (Maire Turn)

 - Project introduction - (Huge project i being thinking about for months)

         (Probably a extra on middle of this)

I hope all like the pics, and i hope someone read this texts xD

Have a nice week to all, Stay safe and awesome all <3 <3 


Rule34    Pixiv    Twitter    Filen.IO (This set)    Filen.IO (Gallery)

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