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A New Beginning

May 12, 2024
It had been a crisp, sunny autumn day when Cassandra's then-husband informed her that after 15+ years of marriage, he was filing for divorce. Cassandra was naturally shocked. Sure, they had had issues, but never anything that they couldn't have worked out. And when Cassandra found out the reason, she was absolutely shattered.

The divorce proceedings had gone smoothly as her now ex-husband agreed to a more than generous settlement. What was left for Cassandra, was to pick up the pieces and start living her new life. She had wanted to stay in her old surroundings, but considering the circumstances around her divorce, things would eventually get awkward. Since they didn't have any children, settling elsewhere was somewhat obvious choice for her.

Now in her new surroundings, she had run into an old friend she hadn't seen in a long time. Initially he was her ex-husband's friend, but she had gotten to know him over the years and Cassandra now considered him as her friend too. He was in town for business, but since he had some time to spare, they sat down to catch up. Cassandra went over what had happened and he was stunned by the news.
"What??? How??? I thought you guys were such a perfect couple", was his first response.
They kept chatting and having a friend there just to talk to (and with), made Cassandra to feel happy for the first time in ages. Eventually all good things must come to an end, and he had to get going. As they were splitting up he had one more thing to say.
"Cass, you still look as gorgeous as ever, and should you ever feel like dating again, I'm sure you can charm any man you'd like."
"Oh thank you", she smiled. "You really think so?"
"Absolutely. And I'm not saying it to get into your panties..."
"What if I told I'm not wearing any?", Cassandra giggled.
"It's great to see that you haven't lost your sense of humor", he chuckled. "I know you've been through tough times, so it's great to see you smile."
They then bid farewell to each other and went on their separate ways.

Later in the evening, after Cassandra had gotten home, she stopped to have a look at the mirror.
"He's right, I do look gorgeous...", she thought, smiling and liking what she saw.
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