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Abandoned (Candy)

Dec 28, 2020

Spending some time over here on the mainland in Miguel's country of San Cristobal while we put a wrap on the first issue of Naked Adventure. Candy is working production assistant over here, and apparently we have the entire city of Puerto Cabana to ourselves. Taylor's run-in with the Cabal had an impact over here, entire areas of the coast were declared "climate disaster zones" the people put in refugee caravans heading north, and the entire coastline abandoned.

Miguel says he is resisting the Global Nation's "Climate Reclamation" efforts, which basically involves private companies coming in after the GN declares this place worthless, buys up all the land, ships in foreign labor to strip the resources, and develops the prime coastline for themselves. Same thing they wanted to do with the Island but on a larger scale. Miguel has has to align himself with all sorts of fringe hippie, labor, communist and socialist political factions to hold together a resistance to the GN's cash and pressure efforts - but the disaster area still is a wasteland of perfectly good land and infrastructure.

It is a beautiful place, a bit on the run-down side, but it has its charm.


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