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Accepted to Affect3D!

Feb 21, 2022

Just wanted to let you guys know that I was accepted by Affect3D to start publishing my full-length comics through their site! I'm so freaking happy and I'm stoked I've reached this point after years of being a fan of 3DX art. It's been a long journey and I still have so much to learn. I can remember years ago first seeing Darkhound1's art and playing his game Holiday Island. That was probably the biggest inspiration for me to start creating what I wanted to see. I remember not knowing anything about daz or rendering and going out and buying a new $1200 laptop thinking I could run daz with it, and couldn't even get past 0% rendering on the tutorial image! That laptop was such a piece of shit! Several years later I had tons of time and money so I decided to build a pc that could crank out renders. My renderbox does great but I'd love one of those RTX 3070 cards! I'll still post my pinups, profiles, test renders, teasers, and other stuff here, but I will soon only be releasing my full comics from the Affect3D store. Stay tuned!

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