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Almrausch & Gentian 01

Jun 13, 2020

Recently typewriter17 inspired me with the name of his newest hero. I immediately thought of Dirndl when I heard the name "Heidi". And where there is Dirndl, there are also Lederhosen.

Look here  typewriter17 typewriter17.png?7 in his role as Sepp Oberhuber, with his two daughters Heidi Oberhuber played by berseh.jpg?4 Berseh and Resi Oberhuber performed by Tawnyttawnyt.gif?7 in the traditional folk play: "On the mountain pasture there is no sin".

By Sepp Oberhuber also all clichés are considered, which many tourists imagine of a Tyrolean mountain farmer like: socks, Lederhose, full beard and pipe smoke. I only spared him the Tyrolean hat and he was allowed to leave his baseball cap on.

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