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Anabe2 has Finally Come Back

Dec 13, 2020

Neo Dina

Hey, all. How's your day?

No need to answer, I don't need to know because I'm sure you're all riding some phoenix right now.

So, what's up? As you might already tell if you've been following us for a while, I'm sure there's not many of you but please look at the underneath of my name. Yes, there are 2 names, and it has always been there for so so long. I don't know what's up for Anabe2 to left me in the dark all alone for the past one or two months, but she's finally here again with some BIG news. One of her model will be joining the Public Gallery as well, both on this site and our Deviantart, might even be on twitter too so be sure not to miss out on them.

Anyway, as for myself. Aside from co-making a book with Anabe2 and one other person. I've been enjoying Cyberpunk 2077 lately and still on my way to completing the Corpo lifepath. I really don't want to rush it so we are taking a very slow walk on making new images. I'm very sorry, dear patrons >,<

My goodness. That was quite a long post, probably the longest one I ever made... But alright, see you soon, bye, love you

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