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And meanwhile in Ruby’s story

Dec 30, 2020

First the text. 

I met Mel when she came back to porn. We did her first scene together. Was the usual silly scene where she was the strict teacher and I was the rebel student who smokes, fucks boys, wears make up and sexy clothes, you know. That role really suits me XD

We chatted a bit before the scene. I was smoking some pot and she asked me for some. She told me she used to take heavy drugs in the past, in her first time in porn, but stopped when she got pregnant. Now she only smokes weed to control her anxiety and numb herself in the bad scenes. 

Really liked her since that scene together. She is really sweet and nice. Is pretty, sexy and fucks really well. But I know how hard is for her the fact she has to do it again, something she deeply hates, and the aura of sorrow around her makes me sad.

She is an example of what the stigma can do to sex workers when they leave the business and want to start a new life. Never understood it, we are not criminals. Mel is simply one of those women who are not allowed to keep their past in the past and that is not fair. 


This image and the text is from Ruby’s story. Am narrating in my Patreon but wanted to share this image and lines because it introduces Mel and she will be an important character.

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