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At the Bimbo Academy 02

Jul 10, 2021

This image is from the “Bimbo School” series I am uploading in my Patreon.


Our student Jeannie waiting for her sex lessons to start. 

In the Bimbo School you will be offered several careers options and advance training in them. Usually most students apply for the stripper/exotic dance but some also apply to become porn actresses and/or escorts.

We are aware they are adults and have sexual experience but becoming a bimbo porn star or bimbo escort is not about your sexuality but the pleasure you can provide to your customers/watchers. Is about looking hot and sexy and have sex with passion to provide the best experience to others. 

Due to our cooperation with Andromeda Co. we have professional sex workers as instructors. They not only train the students to enhance their sex skills but also we provide sex health studies and psycho-sexuality advices in to perform the sex job in the more healthy way.

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