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♡ B.E.M - Dolo Paa the Elf ♡

Mar 02, 2021

Story time: Today we see The Busty Elf Maiden or B.E.M. Dolo Paa negotiating her terms at the Orc fort. The Orc seems to be interested in the terms she has presented.

The Morph on Dolo Paa is TritiumCG's free Dolly Parton head and body found over at Deviant Art. I like the way it looks and she makes one hell of a busty elf maiden. The second freebie is Square Pegs " Effed Stupid expressions for G8. " I found it in the resource channel of the 3DX discord channel.

The Orc pisses me off since he has no cock textures included with him from daz same goes for the HD Goblin. I lack PS or Gimp skills to color one green so this is as close as I can get. If anyone knows of a freebie one for Meipe's dicktator lemme know.

Enjoy the day - Robert

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