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♡ B.E.M - Sajaa the Elf 3 now with more story ♡

Feb 02, 2021

Story time. Now Gather around the fire. For a tale of tales.

Poor little Sajaa. Fate could be such a cruel mistress. Her last potential buyer Hrothgar the Fat as he was known hereabouts, had suddenly became enraged and angered when he had sniffed her private parts and then exclaimed out loudly " This wench has been with goblin's, lots of them." He added promptly, "You Sir, should be flogged and shackled for selling such smelly goods." The man said, as he gestured wildly in Rodjinn face. Hrothgar stormed off in a huff. "I SHALL NOT BE BACK, EVER." He shouted back. Rodjinn shook his head on disbelief. Some people he thought.

"Bend over slave." Master Rodjinn commanded Sajaa in a stern voice. " Looks like I need to clean that ass of yours out again." He mumbled as he nodded at her. He popped her firm supple ass, with the flat of his hand, for added emphasis. He knelt down and smelled her ass. Yes he thought to himself he could smell something now, it had escaped him before. Rodjinn never sampled his girls asses, like the other stall masters. No he preferred their mouths and eager pussies. What ever the smell was it wasn't good. He wasn't into ass smelling like a lot of the older men were either. It had once been a custom that men did around some thirty years ago or so, a custom which was fading with time.

 "That ass of yours girl, reeks. Like rotten meat on a Hot Summer's day." He added sniffing. Still kneeling and inspecting her ass, he stroked his thick blue and black beard with his right hand and poked at her moist and juicy pussy with his left."Gods be cursed girl !" He paused. "Just how many hard Gobo (goblin) cocks serviced that tight little puss and ass of yours? Huh?" Stall Master Rodjinn asked out loud to himself, half of him not expecting an answer.

"Thirteen of them Master, for nine days straight." Sajaa nodded meekly replying. She sighed deeply, with just a hint of despair present in Her soft monotone voice. She frowned, sadly trying not to remember about how She had been taken, ravished, and enslaved by the cruel Goblins. He nodded back at Her and then started whistling loudly. A happy tune it was. "Care to join me girl?" he asked. She shook her head no in response, even as she tried to pucker and whistle. A small tear ran down her face. She began to cry.

Master Rodjinn stood up and hurriedly went about his work. He had to get her cleaned out and sanitized quickly. He didn't want the infection from her ass to spread to her juice-box he thought. Some days these Elves could be such a pain in the ass to sell. But Twenty-five Gold or more could pay off a lot of debt and debt is something that is something he had a lot of. Yes he thought to himself. He had to get her cleaned up, continue her training. She would fetch a hefty fat purse. He let out a hearty laugh as he used the device to spread her tight ass wide.

"Get ready Girl and brace yourself." He added. "Ooh fuck." She cried out in pain. She could feel the metal device he used to expand her asshole, start to spread her wide open. She felt humiliated. A small crowd of on lookers had formed to watch the process. Sajaa cried out in pain again for the second time, letting out a high pitched squeal in the process. Her ears twitched. She panted hard. A young woman in the crowd fainted. Sajaa grunted loudly as her pussy lips tingled. Tears formed in her eyes. Soon afterwards Master Rodjinn began to poke about her ass with his fingers and then with a small pair of round edged metal tongs. He could see something. Her ass was now at least three fingers wide, reeked horribly from a stench coming from within.

 He commanded Sajaa to lay flat on her stomach, with her ass high in the air. He poured both the healing and cleaning potions into her awaiting gaping ass. The contents bubbled to a froth, as they went to work killing the infection. Minutes later a reddish-green fluid poured out of her ass an onto the ground. Rodjinn used several buckets of water to wash away the mess and to clean her up. He could now search for the cause of the infection. He used his fingers to coat the innards of her asshole with a floral and peach based salve that he had on hand. Sajaa moaned loudly. She closed her eyes as she clenched her fists. Several minutes pass. Sajaa lay motionless. The crowed began to disperse, apparently bored.

"Ok girl." Rodjinn said to her. Sajaa opened her eyes, the pavers were hot from the mid day sun. A small beetle had crawled onto her breast and was biting it, trying desperately to free itself. "Ouch that hurts!" she cried out. "What hurts?" Rodjinn asked her. "The bug that is biting my tit Master. Ouch!" she cried out for the second time in pain. Master Rodjinn command her to stand. She was still weak in the knees so he "helped" her to her feet. He grabbed for the arms length piece of chain located at the end of her collar. With a sudden quick jerk he pulled her to her feet. Saja cried choking. "Master!" she cried out.

 "Your fine, besides ..." he grabbed at the green iridescent beetle, which now had a firm hold on her left tit near her nipple. He plucked it from her tit and still wiggling he crushed it between his two fingers. Rodjinn showed it to her. He was about to discard it's crushed body when Sajaa asked, "May I" she paused pointing at the beetle. "I like that kind, they have a certain sweet taste to them, that I enjoy." "Sure girl, here you go." He offered her his finger. He then stuck it, along with the deceased beetle into her awaiting mouth. "Mmmm" she said. Sajaa licked his finger clean. She then crunched the dead beetle in her mouth with her teeth, savoring it's sweet taste. Rodjinn looked at her in disgust. She answered his look, and said to him nonchalantly " When your alone and naked, an your body is covered with dirt and the filth from spunk of your daily fuckings you receive ..." She paused remembering the pain and gulped. "An your leg is chained to a heavy metal ball, that you can barely move, and your starving to death from hunger and a beetle happens to crawl by, you eat it." Sajaa promptly stated to Master Rodjinn.

 "You feed better than most and the water here is fresh." Pointing at the tough sitting on the ground. "Thank you Master." Sajaa added as she smiled back at him. Rodjinn nodded his head in return, he had never thought about that aspect of it. "Alright girl," Stall Master Rodjinn said as he paused and smiled, "Now bend over and let me have a look at that ass of yours." Sajaa promptly complied.

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