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Beach Time Relaxation

Jul 23, 2020

*Summer has arrived once again, and what better way to enjoy the heat than a nice cool beach visit. Of course, with a friend who will do anything to please you.*


Soria unfolded her beach towel lying in the soft sand listening to the calming waves of the ocean, the sun scorched her pale white skin as she removed her bikini top and tossed it aside allowing her entire naked body to be free. Nothing was better than being out in public with nothing on, allowing the cool warm air to hit your body, perhaps a dive into the ocean at some point. Sitting on the towel she gazed out at the ocean pondering the thoughts of what she would do today, or who she could do in that fact.

She glanced over noticing someone walking towards her as she caught Shay's attention. 

"You're already naked? Damn, you beat me to it." Shay mentioned with a smirk, untying her own towel letting it slide off her smooth body, while the towel dropped from her firm breasts as they jiggled in place, Soria smirked with a beautiful idea. 

"All for you, of course." Soria said. Shay sat next to Soria glancing out at the ocean taking in all the heat, nobody would bother them for miles as this beach was normally private for the two of them. 

"No one is watching us, shall we.. take advantage of this moment?" Soria asked, letting her hand fall against Shay's. 

"I thought you would never ask." Shay mentioned with a smile, as she stood up allowing Soria to lie down, Shay sat on Soria's face wiggling her soft cunt against Soria's nose. She could feel Soria's hands rubbing her ass slapping it firm and finally letting that long tongue slither inside her juicy cunt. 

Finally, an orgasm would be shortly underway. "

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