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Birds of a Feather (Lori, Lilith)

May 12, 2020

"Mom! Where are they?" Lori says. "This is like, annoying. And I am confused by this. Totally not feeling the vibe here, Mom. Or should I say step-mom?"

"It's Mom to you. And I hear them over here," Lilith says. "Though I saw someone poking around on top of the cliff too. They are close I know it, I am a world-famous detective you know! You are going to be one someday too."

"What are we investigating?" Lori says. "Why are we climbing this rock?"

"Very funny. Now move your tight little butt and follow me."

"Why are we naked?" Lori says. "I mean, I feel I like my clothes. Are we like, proving something to the mountain that we are somehow better than it by climbing it naked? Because if that is it, I am not feeling it."

"We all agreed to climb this naked," Lilith says, blinking back a few confused thoughts. "My sisters and I wanted to prove to each other that this could be done. We did not need anything to do this, and they were nice enough to leave a box of shoes and pads down in that cave by the water. So they are here, just ahead of us."

"This next part of the mountain had better be climbable." Lori sighs. "I miss the town. And my journal. And my companions. Why couldn't we take my friends?"

"Because we don't want them seeing us naked, Daughter," Lilith says. "And they are pretty useless when climbing too."

"I am sure they would find the easy way up and meet us at the top," Lori says as she swings to grab the next rock.

Lilith laughs. "If there was an easy way up we would have taken that."

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