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Brand new shots, brand new Slushe banner!

Feb 12, 2021

So, things have been taking shape over the last week :D I've kept very close and detailed track of all the outfit evolutions for this set on Patreon, but in the meanwhile here's a few shots to get everyone up to date.

2021 is going to be a story driven year. I really want to advance Lust Unleashed and to do it I'm going to make narrative take a leading role here. We'll be spending a lot of time with Tatiana, Jordan, Kayla, and more!

The storytelling will kick off with Tati and Jordan meeting for the first time at a spa. No more pink gown, it didn't really work for the setting (but I will definitely still do some patreon-exclusive renders with it). I'm currently hard at work mapping out the narrative and making sure all the dots connect properly, because this isn't just going to be "pair up two ladies, have them talk for a bit, then fuck each other's brains out until a cumshot sequence."

For now, if these visuals are something you like and you want priority access to everything related to these new developments, you know where to look :D

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