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Apr 27, 2020

After months of preparation, "The Twelve" -- a secret group of powerful female socialites united only by their common obsession with finding the biggest and best lovers around -- finally make their move. They surround and capture the elusive mercenary they had been hearing so many outlandish stories about.

The massive warrior is brought before them, bound and defiant. 

Delighting in their power, the women sadistically and slowly strip their new slave of his proud armor, giggling as they methodically expose his awesome, battle-hardened physique. Eyes widen, and heads nod appreciatively at the unveiling of his muscular body. He is quite promising.

They lash away the final pieces of armor at his waist, looking forward to seeing if the rumors were true after all.

There are gasps, as The Twelve realize that they may have gotten more than even they could handle.

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