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Chesley and Quola shipwrecked.

Jan 31, 2021

Chesley: "There are worse planets we could be stuck on for a few hours. I'm totally going skinny dipping in that river while J'Wago repairs the lander. Come with me, Quola!"

Quola: "You don't have to get naked and vulnerable on every planet we land on. Do you want to get gang raped by frogmen, Chesley? Because that's how you get gang raped by frogmen."

Chesley: "Of course not gang raped... Maybe gang banged. Super long tongues and capable of holding their breath forever... I'll take two please. Besides, don't knock it 'cause you'd like it more than I would."

Quola: "You sure about that?"

Chesley: "Is a frogman's ass water tight?" *winks*

Quola: *grins* "Fine... let's go get naked in the untested alien river."

Chesley: "Yay!"

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