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Demi 3.1

Jan 16, 2021

This is the male of the species that includes Demi 2.1.  The males, which are only 20-25% of the population, raise the children (even if not the biological parent) hence the amount of breasts for feeding.  Females also produce milk but are the primary food source for their offspring for a very short period.  Both male and female produce milk constantly, regardless of breeding practices, and milk exchange is a common social interaction (not directly tied to sexuality).

Males mostly live on the above-ground "caps" of settlements and aside from child-rearing they often handle administration, trade, and diplomacy.

Even though they are not as heavily muscled as their female counterparts, they are still stronger than humans and all males train as warriors as they are usually either 1) at the above ground entrance to the settlement, or 2) with the creche caring for the young.

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