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Diana at the Office

Dec 22, 2023
This set of my new girl Diana was inspired by an experience relayed to me by River (aka RiverVenus on Slushe here).  River, as my regular viewers know, is a sex worker for a high class escort agency in Auckland, New Zealand that caters to the rich and famous.  I have done some sets of River and her girlfriend Annie (aka AnnieP on Slushe). River has been kind to recount some experiences she has had and I have used those as inspiration for my images. But really, the stories are FAR more erotic than I can do in images, so I encourage you to check them out when I provide them. 

When I mentioned to River that I was going to do an office scene with Diana, River presented me with her experiences when working at a bank before she became an escort.  Rather than fill the screen with the complete story, you can view it online with my DropBox link here:

According to River, it does appear that there are far more opportunities for pretty girls to fuck their way up the corporate ladder than I realized. I know a lot of women take advantage of that fact.  To River, it all seems quite ordinary. I don't know what to make of it, but her story is pretty hot, so check it out and let us know what you think of my post today.

And thank you, River, for your nice little contribution here!

Btw:  River has her own gallery here where she posts more of her experiences and sexual fantasies using the Second Life technology.  She is a real Sex Goddess if there ever was one and it is fun to check out what she has here:
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