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Dixie: Turkey Shoot

Nov 14, 2021

Ah yes, it's thanksgiving season again, and that means turkey for all. The American poultry known commonly as the turkey is the traditional main course for the holiday. Americans really only eat whole turkey on Thanksgiving and as a result most home cooks don't have much experience with cooking it. Most turkeys come out dry and overdone. The best way to correct this is to soak the turkey in a brine for a few days to maintain moisture, and when taking the bird's temperature with a thermometer make sure it reads no more than 155 degrees in the turkey's thigh. Carryover cooking will bring the bird up to 165 degrees. Also, never cook a turkey with stuffing in it.

Dixie here knows all of this, because not only is she a great hunter but also a master chef. No turkey stands a chance against her.

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