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Edward, my most loving regular

May 30, 2024

Chapter 1: A Regular Encounter

Edward is my most loving regular. When he first walked into my life, I never imagined the profound connection we would share. It's not just about the transactions; it's about the understanding and the unspoken bond that has grown between us.

Edward isn’t just a client; he’s a beacon of affection and a regular source of joy. When he booked me for 40 minutes for an anal date, I could feel my excitement bubbling up inside. This wasn’t just any appointment; it was a chance to connect with someone who truly appreciated me. For L$6000, we had an amazing time, emoting and talking dirty, indulging in fantasies that were both thrilling and deeply satisfying.

Chapter 2: The Anticipation

The preparation for Edward’s visit was as exhilarating as the date itself. I spent hours choosing the perfect outfit, ensuring my appearance would leave him breathless. The anticipation of our meeting was intoxicating. I knew what he liked, and I wanted to make this encounter unforgettable.

When Edward arrived, his smile was enough to melt my heart. He had this way of looking at me that made me feel like the only person in the world. We shared a few moments of casual conversation, letting the tension build between us. It was these small interactions that made our time together special.

Chapter 3: The Intimacy

As we moved into the more intimate part of our date, the atmosphere shifted. The room was filled with a mix of anticipation and familiarity. Edward was gentle yet assertive, guiding the encounter with a confidence that was incredibly arousing. Our bodies moved in sync, each touch and whisper heightening the pleasure.

Edward had a knack for emoting in ways that made the experience intensely personal. His words were like a melody, each phrase crafted to ignite my senses. We talked dirty, our words mingling with our movements, creating a symphony of desire and satisfaction.
His cock size is well way beyond normal, and I had to lube my asshole very well prior to our encounter, and get there wearing a heavy and 5 inches thick buttplug, as per his instructions. Our encounter began immediately with my asshole getting all the attention, his fingers all around to ease its extraction, since the thing had been deeply planted inside me for a few hours.
As soon the massive buttplug got out of the way, the mating started immediately. edward doesn't want to lose a second of our precious time and be inside me, thrusting his generous huge cock inside and out my rectum, with deep but regular thrusts. We changed positions several times, but in every one of them his hips were delivering powerful pushes, pushing his swollen cocktip up deep, to reach as deep he could.
The unstoppable pumping got my pussy immediately soaked, leaking its juices that got sprayed out at every bump inside me, the heavy and thick cock doing its job also at making my flat belly bulge in sync with our slaps. he leaned his hand on it, amazed to feel his cock to stir my inner organs from the inside.
The intense workout lead me to experience several orgasms, so intense my nearly prolapsing pussy squirted all over the sheets, leaving a wet puddle until his power erupted inside me, filling my bowels with his thick and warm sperm that I needed so bad until that moment.
Every moment with him was a reminder of why I cherished these encounters.

Chapter 4: The Photo Request

Halfway through our time together, Edward surprised me with a request that made my heart flutter. He asked if we could shoot some pictures of us and publish them around. His eyes sparkled with excitement, and I could see how much this meant to him. I was more than happy to oblige.

We posed for the camera, capturing moments of raw intimacy and passion. The pictures were more than just images; they were a testament to our connection. Edward’s enthusiasm was contagious, and it made the entire experience even more exhilarating. Sharing these photos with the world was a bold statement, a declaration of our unique bond.

Chapter 5: The Unexpected Twist

As our time drew to a close, Edward did something unexpected. He tried at breeding me, expressing a desire to have a baby with me. It was a moment filled with intense emotions. His eagerness and vulnerability touched me deeply. It was a fantasy we both indulged in, adding a layer of complexity to our encounter.

I enjoyed his perversions, finding pleasure in satisfying his deepest desires. Our time together was more than just physical; it was an exploration of fantasies and boundaries. Edward’s willingness to share these moments with me was a testament to the trust we had built over time.

Chapter 6: The Aftermath

After our passionate encounter, we shared a quick kiss, a sweet and tender gesture that spoke volumes. Edward left, but his presence lingered. I found myself reflecting on our time together, savoring the memories we had created. Each encounter with Edward was a new chapter in our ongoing story, one filled with excitement and affection.

I couldn’t help but feel a particular affection for Edward. He was more than just a client; he was someone who understood and appreciated me. Our relationship was built on mutual respect and genuine affection, something rare and precious in my line of work.

Chapter 7: Future Encounters

As I sat down to write about our encounter, I felt a sense of gratitude. Edward was a generous and well-endowed customer, but more importantly, he was a kind and loving person. I looked forward to our future encounters, knowing that each one would be special in its own way.

I promised to keep everyone updated on our adventures, eager to share the joy and excitement that Edward brought into my life. His visits were a highlight, a reminder of the beauty and complexity of human connections.

Epilogue: A Love Beyond Transactions

Thank you so much, Edward, for being a part of my life. Our encounters are a source of immense joy and satisfaction, and I am grateful for every moment we share. Here’s to many more wonderful times together, exploring fantasies and creating memories that will last a lifetime.

With all my love, Quinn

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