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Apr 25, 2023
This young girl, named Eloise, who just turned 18 today (!), came into my studio along with her mother, who insisted that she have solo nude photos done of her daughter.  She said that Eloise has always been mocked by the boys in high school because of her big tits.  She insisted that grown men actually won't mind them at all and that she should show them off instead.  And the best time to do it is now when they are perky and she is in her prime.

So guys, I normally don't get girls with such extremely large boobs come in, but she does have a pretty face.  Maybe her mother can convince her to drop the teenage haircut, but I think the girl is good enough for nudes.  I had Eloise drop her pants to verify that her pussy lips have a sufficiently nice "outie" to them, which I know you like, and that part is ok.  Even with just these two photos, the girl was quite nervous, which you can perhaps see a bit in her smile in  the second photo, but she is willing to proceed with a full strip-down if you guys think she can make the grade.  Just let me know in the messages below or with a private message.
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