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♡ Emala the Elf Maiden with story ♡

Feb 11, 2021

Story time, gather around the fire. It's really cold outside!

 " Master, you summoned me? " Emala asked softly. " Hmm yes girl, I did. " Master Skullcrusher added nonchalantly, as he arose from his chair behind his large ornately carved wooden desk and walked toward her. Emala wondered to herself, why had she been summoned on such short notice today. After all today of all days, was Garden day. She stands at attention for her master musing, awaiting further instruction. Slowly insinuating her form, she places her left arm firmly behind her back and then her right arm straight against her long slender side. Her left hand firmly grasps her right arm holding it tight. Mmm yes she thought. Masters favorite standing position. It just drives him crazy.

" I have something for you my dear Emala." He said smiling at her. Usually when he said that he would pull forth his massive nineteen inch "Cock of Joy and Elf Maiden Slaying" as he called it and present it to her for pleasuring. But no today wasn't cock day after all, or even pussy taming day, she thought to herself. No then, what is it? She mused to herself thinking. No Master Skullcrusher Lord of Ravens Hold or Taloren the Blessed, as she called him, was up to something. Suddenly he put his right hand into his tunic's inner pocket, and pulled forth a very large but yet simple ornate ring. He presented it to her. " A ring? Oh Master! " She gasped, nearly fainting from joy. Master had just presented her with his Ring of Trust. "You shouldn't have!" she exclaimed. "Oh yes my love I should," he said in a deep voice. "You have earned it" he stated loudly. "Thank you Master," she said slowly, while wiping away tears of joy from here face. She blushed three colors red. "It is such an honor to be made a first girl ..." He interrupted her with a hearty laugh.

TBC need to sleep on the rest/will update come back and check out the story as it unfolds ... Robert

Enjoy Robo

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