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Exigent (Lorna)

Jun 07, 2020

This was it. This was the last straw.

Her stable of hunky male mercenaries she used for protection and sex were coming on the next naked mountain climbing trip.

She didn't care if they saw her, well she loved when they saw her in fact, but the others nude as well. She didn't care what the others felt. They would be sitting in their positions and hanging out, following along, being quiet because she paid them well (and they were her lovers so they knew better), and armed to the teeth to ensure the complete safety of her adventure expeditions.

Is an endangered jaguar prowling about the ruins? Her men were trained to tranquilize it, she had a veterinarian on staff (and he was hot) to check on and care for the animal, and her team would put it in a cage and have it taken to a wildlife preserve to protect it from poachers (which she helped to fund). Kill animals just to raid tombs? What barbarism. She was happy to have ended that practice when she joined the Adventure Society, because money talks and she would have none of it. Sorry girls, you are going to have to find another way in, no hurting the animals She-Kill the Barbarian!

Humans? Humans were another thing entirely. Her intelligence team identified them and they were dealt with accordingly. Poachers, terrorists, and thieves? Shoot on sight. Other adventure teams? They were still often bastards and would shoot at her, but her orders were non-lethal force first and lethal force only in self-defense. Those tranquilizer guns got a lot of use, let's just say. Why make enemies?

There were times other teams would laugh at her outfit, and she would say she is just there to take pictures of her posing in front of the ruins - and other team would just let her in and she would smile and walk right through their defenses. What they didn't expect is that her team was intercepting all of the artifact shipments leaving the country, changing the shipping manifests, and redirecting them to her. Play smarter next time, fools, and thank you for doing the work.

Here she was climbing towards a man firing a gun! What could she do? Her boyfriends taught her basic self-defense skills, and those sessions usually devolved into nude wrestling and lovemaking, but she supposed she could try something. She might get shot but she could try something.

Unbelievable she could get hurt or killed.

But...she couldn't live with herself if someone else suffered or died today.

There would be a price.

This would never happen again.

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