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Flash (Adele)

Dec 13, 2021

Been playing with a lot of vaginas today. Where the Golden Palace (GP) gens rely on geo-shells; the New Gens (NG, and the image above) do texturing through the layered image editor. The GP modifies a lot more of the surrounding geometry, which means lots of corrective, movement, and shape morphs need to be accounted for - so it does not work as well for custom characters. The NG seems also higher resolution, and only modifies a tiny area so it feels more compatible, and I see less issues with extreme bends since that is DAZ's professional work in those really tough areas next to the legs.

Both work and you shouldn't feel bad about using one or the other (with a huge caveat about the type of work you do, closeups go for NG), but there are likely "fans" of either vagina and they will spot the differences immediately. Know your fans and what parts they prefer is what I can say.

I also find myself doing a lot of texture work with the NG to get those tones matching (and you can do much more with NG in terms of custom texturing). GP seems very easy to use, where NG is the pro-gina. Both work for 90% normal style glam work, but extreme bends and shapes I feel you will start to gravitate towards NG. Note that on both you will be adjusting the saturation levels of the interior skin to match characters and get away from that "pale" look and more towards the pinks.


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