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Mar 20, 2023
<a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow">♫ On Play ♫</a> She cried herself to sleep last night Wishing she had someone else's life Cuz all the pictures and pictures of perfection Can give you doubts on what you're worth I tried to tell you 'bout a million times But you don't believe a word So one more time couldn't hurt You don't have to be flawless You don't have to be an online beauty queen [or] take off your clothes to get noticed You're still the most beautiful thing I've ever seen You don't have to do your hair up You don't have to have a body for magazines Don't even have to wear makeup You're still the most beautiful thing I've ever seen We live in a world that's build on lies There's all these people with 'perfect' lives Shaping the way they appear on computer screens Gone are the days when the camera don't lie They try to sell you a fantasy But don't believe a word They're just as scared as you and I You don't have to be flawless You don't have to be an online beauty queen [or] take off your clothes to get noticed You're still the most beautiful thing I've ever seen You don't have to do your hair up You don't have to have a body for magazines Don't even have to wear makeup You're still the most beautiful thing I've ever seen <b> Lalou - Bathtub 10 awesome colors, plain in white, black, grey, or duo tone in black and gold and more lovely combinations with steam and bubbles. 364 animations in the adult, and 131 in the pg version Land Impact: 7 LI Original Mesh and textures Copy, Modify .. as always! 1-2 persons <b> <b>Available at the <i>Mainstore</i> </b></b></b>
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