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Found Out

May 24, 2024
"You fucking lying whore" yells Claudia pointing at the picture

 "I'm sorry, C. I didn't mean to hurt you or you" says Ashley nearly in tears

"Wouldn't find out, you slut" shouts her fiancé

"C, that was a long time ago. I love you" offers the second human Spectre

Claudia, after calming down adds "You want to be a whore, I'll treat you like one"

Ashley begs "No, not that life again. Please C, forgive me"


Map: Vitezislav ported & textured by me. NOT released yet.

Ashley: Rigid3d

Claudia: 1ceDev_ modified by me

Claudia's dress, Jacket, glasses & dog collar: Akikosdream

Ashley's ring:  Padme4000

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