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Foursome (Lexi/Luna, Lana/Laura)

May 08, 2020

"I feel the blood on my hands at times," Lexi says. "I thought adventuring would be about taking pictures of rare plants, discovering cool cultures, bringing back new knowledge to the university, and showing the world all the cool things I discovered. My life has turned out like yours, Mom. Full of violence and hate."

"I told you the stealth kills get old after two or three hundred," Luna says. "There gets a point where you feel like you are working in a slaughterhouse instead of expanding human-kind's knowledge of the past."

Lexi sighs. "If humanity's past is only about killing people then I guess I am in the right business."

"Get your pretty little butt up there Lana," Laura says. "Before you get that tight little thing in my face again."

"God Mom!" Lana says. "I'm going! God stop feeling me up! I don't need help! Hey! Hey who is that?!"

"Meet Lexi, my stepdaughter," Luna says. "Exploring hasn't went all that well for her like it did me so the Adventure Society suggested I mentor her. Like they did with you and Lana.

Lexi has had problems with various drug cartels, terrorist groups, and other criminal enterprises. Just bad luck I guess. Either that or she stumbled upon some antiquities cash-flow operation of quasi-governmental NGOs and I am going to have to kill them all."

"You don't need to kill them all Mom I can handle it," Lexi says, her thoughts lost to the wind. "I'll something. I don't know."

Laura leans near her sister Luna and whispers, "If you had to go back to that life, you would be fine, right?"

Luna nods, talking low as the girls introduce each other. "There is a difference between doing what I did for money and fame, versus doing it again to protect someone I love. If they touch her I will bring the unholy wraith of God down upon on them all."

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