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Golden Cage-Wedding Night

May 22, 2024
"Honey, I hope you remember the rules?" Isabella thought with subtle trepidation about her partner's fetishes, knowing that Kayden had always shown strange preferences in their intimate relationships, striving for complete dominance, making her completely pliable and submissive. Despite this, Isabella, enjoying the role of the submissive, unconditionally followed the rules established by Kaidan, which affected every detail of their intimate life. There were many things she didn’t like, but she did it in the hope of getting more from their intimacy and satisfying her partner as much as possible. Being no stranger to oral sex with Kayden - he insisted on Isabella pleasing him with it every day - the girl habitually used her lips, tongue and whole mouth to excite and pleasure her man. Gently, with refined grace, Isabella touched the head of his penis, exposed from the foreskin, with her velvet lips......

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