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Harem schemer 1

Dec 05, 2022
"Master, I'm so ashamed of myself. Last night, my mistress Fairouz asked me to kiss her between her legs."

"And you did so?"

"I'm only an humble slave, Master. I've been told to obey Fairouz in everything, I could not refuse. She made me give her pleasure with my mouth, and even told me that my tongue was exquisite. But I knew that it was wrong, Master. I know that your concubines aren't allowed to give themselves pleasure, or to receive it from another girl, but only from you, Master. I beg you to forgive me for this crime. Even though I had no choice, I deserve to be very severely punished."

"No, you don't Naila. You acted correctly in everything. You obeyed your mistress as you had to and you confessed to me as you had to. The blame is all on Fairouz, and she's the one who will be punished. Come with me, I want you to witness her whipping, as a moral lesson."

As Naila was prostrated at his feet face against the floor, he couldn't see the wicked smile that appeared on her face. She expected to be spared, and that Fairouz would be badly punished instead. But she didn't expect that she would have the joy of witnessing her whipping. Naila hated so much to have to serve mere concubines, who weren't any better than herself, and she envied their status and privileges.
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