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Henchmen (Marionette)

Jan 20, 2021

“Here’s your black book back Ren,” Circus hands me the black book I had been missing for the last year as she kisses me on the cheek. “Thank you!”

“Um, Circus?” Marionette says. “Who are all these guys?”

One of the men wearing a ‘Hello my name is Thug #1’ nametag hugs Hunter from behind. “Hunter! How is favorite American motorcycle outlaw girl doing?”

“Alexi!” Hunter laughs as she returns the hug and gives him a kiss on the cheek. “What are you and the guys doing down here? Last we saw you is in that waitress scene Sylvie did with you all that Ren never talks about.”

I smile. Hunter knows Sylvie requested THAT one. She gives me an innocent look.

“Oh, that is easy!” Circus says with glee. “I saw in Ren’s book this big section called ‘GB Guys,’ which I know stands for Good Bad Guys, so I hired them all to be our gang of henchmen!”

“Guys, I think our new henchmen are looking at me all funny,” Marionette says.

“Travel was such a pain in the ass!” Alexi smiles and returns Hunter’s kiss. “Sundari cleared all of us for work, clean bills of health I make triple sure, and she has given us a place to stay here and on Island. So, me and the guys will be around and ready to fill in, as needed. Paperwork is good for year, not like anywhere is to go anyways.”

Hunter starts laughing uncontrollably.

I cover my face.

“Ren!” Alexi smiles as he walks up and shakes my hand. “Good seeing you again, you lucky man! Hunter says you getting very powerful, like Highlander, no?”

“Guys,” Marionette says, “these henchmen are getting awfully close over here. Circus, are you sure you hired the right type of henchmen?”

“Quiet!” Circus says. “They are in awe of our evil! Soak in the admiration! Prepare for total domination!”

I pat Alexi on the shoulder, Alexi is a friend of Hunter’s and her motorcycle club, and the ‘Good Bad Guys’ have all worked on movies the bikers filmed for party cash, like Biker Girl Party and Motorcycle Bang Bang. She vouches for them, so they get called up from time to time to ‘fill in.’

“I am getting there Alexi,” I say and shake his hand. “Don’t have my magic sword yet but getting there.”

“Oh, you know I have magic sword of my own,” he laughs as he cups himself. “Who is pretty girl we work with? The blonde? Oh my, look at you! You are absolute doll! So pretty! So happy to meet you!”

Alexi kisses Marionette’s hand and smiles. Hunter cannot speak she is laughing so hard. I stand there, lost for words as I look at Circus, who is beaming with pride.

“Ren?” Circus says as she rests her head on my shoulder, admiring her work. “I do think I am an evil genius. They simply cannot breed anyone more diabolical than I.”

Alexi turns to her with a smile. “With you two beautiful ladies we sure try!”

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