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"I've got a high score to break today"

May 31, 2024

Lů-Zɨ presses her back against the wall, her heart slams against her ribs. Her fingers twitch on her Sexblaster's trigger. Neon-lit corridors echo with the cries of the dying and the moans of the ecstatically vanquished.

She takes a deep breath and surveys the arena. Her environment is palpably intense to her senses. The glossy white walls gleam under the bright lights, reflecting off the polished floor tiles like crisp mirrors. The distant cries of pain and death fill the air, intermingling with the scent of sweat and perfume.

She tightens her grip on the gun, anticipation thrumming in her veins for the next round. Corporate overlords have enlisted her team to square off against gladiatrixes across the Galaxy. Only three teams remain, including her own. The promise of reward fuels her eagerness—a dress she'd fawn over for months and real food replacing the toothpaste-like rations usually fed to the serfs.

With a quick glance at the bottom corner of the HUD display in her tinted goggles, she confirms that she's the sole surviving Sex Commando on her team. She whispers to herself, "I've got a high score to break today."

This is the beginning of Sex Commandos - Gladiatrix
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