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Irenika's lips make first contact with her Futa cock.

Jun 15, 2022
There were few things Irenika enjoyed more than a hot shower after a day of field training at Quantico. So nice of her roommate, Visola, to let her use the fancier bathroom adjacent to her bedroom. The other, common bathroom in their flat was drab and the faucets didn't have enough pressure to satisfy. Irenika had been showering for a while and had completely lost track of time; taking unusual pleasure soaping up her impressive curves. She was so caught up with blowing suds off the tip of her saluting futa unit and wondering how much Visola would mind if she granted herself a happy ending right then and there that she didn't hear Visola and Kojika come back from their date. The bathroom fan drowned out all of the subtle moans, kissing and toe sucking noises that were coming from next door. Irenika now dons a fluffy, robe; still warm from a fresh laundering, and sets off to the living room by way of Visola's bedroom. She feels the inside of her mouth well up with saliva at the sight she now beholds: Visola's bare-legged Nubian body delivering passionate affection to two of the most shapely feet she had ever seen. The fact that they belonged to a stunning specimen of exotic Japanese beauty was a huge bonus.
    Irenika's robe drops to the floor. There she stood, naked and frozen in awe for an entire minute. The fact that her presence was unnoticed told her that these two had found tremendous chemistry in each other and she wouldn't dare spoil the moment by trying to interject.
 She backs slowly into the bathroom and closes the door with a nearly silent click.   One thing was for certain: she was not leaving that bathroom unvented and she had beauty and skill enough to bring herself tremendous satisfaction. Whatever mess she causes can be cleaned up and besides, Visola would understand and do the same in her place.
      Irenika begins with her soft palm and fingertips. She had long adored the shape of her hands: artist hands, musician hands, minus the callouses. She made it a point to wear gloves to her field training to keep her hands supple enough to deliver maximum pleasure when called upon. She deposits what is now a massive wad of saliva onto her palm and spreads it over her entire hand with her tongue. Dainty fingers pass her lips and she indulges in their shape with quiet suction. She looks down at her feet and feels the cold kiss of the Spanish tiles against her soles and  hears the erotic sounds of them peeling off the floor as she moves into position.
      Leaning into the door with her right palm, she gasps with delight as a bountifully lubed left hand works it's magic around her shaft. She hears the tip of her urethra makes happy kissing noises at her as it opens and closes with each pump. It seems so eager to procure an offering in thanks for such kind and loving affection. While it's reserving the bulk of it's massive payload for much later, it's quick to offer up it's first emissions of precome.
  Irenika is amazed by this. She's usually self-contained until she's brought entirely over the edge. She bends over to investigate and the closer she gets, the more she likes what she sees.  How beautifully inviting her Futa cock looks to her from this angle, gleaming in the bathroom light to the point that she can make out her randy facial expression.
      A string of precome begins to stretch away from the tip of her shaft and threatens to make a mess on Visola's floor. Instinctively, Irenika bends forward, effortlessly, but farther than she thought she could go. She slurps her joy juice into her mouith: her very first delicious taste of...herself.
 She now finds her lips planted firmly on her gans for the first time. Her shaft held in place reverently by cupped hands, posed as if in prayer. She realizes that she could now have her way with herself in ways she never though possible. From this position alone, she could easily pass four or five inches of her now very happy shaft past her eager lips and well into her mouth.
     It would be a first, a special occasion. Was right now the time and place for this first time to happen? Would she feel a little embarrassed later for having done it? Should she wait for a more optimal time when she's in her room in front of a full-length mirror with a camera rolling for posterity?  We'll find out soon!
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