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It is your choice

May 10, 2024

In which scene do you want to see beloved Joyce in next ?

I have prepared bascially three new scenes with Joyce and and i want your opinion in which you want to see her next.

1. As a sexy IT Business teacher. Professional sexy business clothes with pantyhose and high heels. Herr round breasts looking delicious already under her sweater.

2. Joyce suprises her sexy cop girlfriend with a visit in the police's underground parking area. Joyce in full and cool leather biker outfit.

3. Or as a LapDancer in a private club. With her nice and yummy lingerie the guys have a hard time not touching her.

Addiotionally if you have other ideas feel free to comment here and let me.

I think the voting is clear what you want to see from Joyce :)
For information in general that does not mean others will not follow by time.
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