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"Item number 22: female half-orc!"

Mar 04, 2022

Exhausted from the 3-day journey and the occasional beating due to unruliness, she was now reduced to property, to be sold like cattle. 

Raised at the edge of the Wildlands, at the foot of the Obsidian Mountains, Bora was no stranger to this worst kind of lawless scum. Slavers, bandits, raiders, and much, much worse. She had always gotten away. 

But not this time.

This time was different. Where before she would fight her way out of sticky situations, or abandon everything and slip away, this time, she had something she wanted to protect. 

Or rather, someone.


Aaaaaaaand render number 3!

Meet Bora Ugrum, my OC and our heroine for this story!

Reworked Phara model made by… in Blender. 

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